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Minister Fajon in Toronto: Promotion of gender equality must become a global principle

On the margins of the Women Foreign Ministers' Meeting hosted by Canada and Jamaica in Toronto, Minister Tanja Fajon took part in a panel discussion on women's participation and role in leadership, governance and decision-making. Also attending are the foreign ministers of Andorra, Congo, Ghana, Eswatini, Indonesia, Kosovo, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Nepal, Romania and Slovenia.
ministrice stojijo

Family photo of foreign ministers | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve

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"Research shows that women in decision-making positions take actions that are more beneficial to people and society. The promotion of gender equality must therefore remain a guiding and global principle in the formulation of national and international policies. It has also been shown that peace agreements are more effective when women are involved in the negotiation process – a fact that is particularly relevant in light of the conflicts in Gaza, Ukraine and Sudan. Slovenia also defends this position in the Security Council," said Minister Fajon. She pointed out that women are often discriminated against and face many obstacles not only in the political but also in the economic and social spheres, citing the fact that only a quarter of the world’s parliamentarians are women. She also recalled that in its 79-year history, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has only been presided over by a female president four times, and the UN has never had a female Secretary-General. Slovenia, together with Spain and Mexico, is championing an initiative for equal representation of women in the presidency of the UN General Assembly, which was unanimously endorsed by the ministers.

Foreign ministers also discussed the threat of misinformation to women. "It is very important to be aware that some of the misinformation is intended to have a negative impact on women,” said Minister Fajon.

In their conclusions, the participants agreed to form a Council of Women Foreign Ministers, which will meet regularly to address violations of women’s and girls’ rights around the world. Today, they reiterated their condemnation of the ban on girls' education, employment and participation in public life in Afghanistan.

Prior to the meeting, Minister Fajon met with her host, Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly. In Toronto, she will also meet with Liechtenstein's Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler to discuss further bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

In Canada, Minister Fajon will visit the Slovenian community and meet with representatives of the Vseslovenski kulturni odbor council at the Dom Lipa Retirement Residence in Ontario. The cultural programme organised for the occasion will feature the Plamen Women's Choir.