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Minister Fajon: The key to peace in the Middle East is to address the root causes of the conflict

One year has passed since the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on 7 October 2023, which triggered a spiral of violence in the Middle East with catastrophic humanitarian consequences, especially for women and children. Slovenia condemns all violence, calls for the protection of civilians, the release of all hostages, the provision of humanitarian aid and the implementation of the two-state solution, which is a prerequisite for peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians.
ministrica fajon za govorniškim odrom

Minister Fajon: The key to peace in the Middle East is to address the root causes of the conflict | Author MZEZ

Slovenia is a staunch supporter of international law, international humanitarian law and human rights law – at all times and in all circumstances, without double standards. These are the foundations of the international order that we as a society have built together after the Second World War, with the clear aim of ensuring that such horrors and violence would never happen again. “Sadly, we have already seen a year of war in which tens of thousands of people have lost their lives. The situation in Gaza is not improving – on the contrary, there seems to be no end in sight for this war and the escalation of the conflict,” said Minister Fajon.

“It is high time for the international community to act more decisively. This means achieving a ceasefire, securing the release of all hostages, implementing the two-state solution and finding a political solution that respects the rights and guarantees the security of both Israelis and Palestinians and addresses the root causes of the conflict. This is a precondition for lasting peace in the region. People on both sides deserve peace and security,” Minister Fajon said. She added: “Immediate action is needed as the conflict in the region is spreading dangerously. I, therefore, call on all parties to work towards de-escalation and to refrain from any action that would further aggravate the situation and allow the conflict to escalate to catastrophic proportions.”

As a member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Slovenia has focused its diplomatic efforts on finding a solution for a lasting and just peace in the Middle East since 7 October 2023. One of the most tangible steps in this direction has been the recognition of Palestine and Slovenia continues to encourage other countries to follow suit.