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The Government Approves the Second Amendment to the Recovery and Resilience Plan

Today, the Government approved a proposal to amend the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). This is a minor modification focused on the implementation of six key measures. In accordance with the agreement with the European Commission (EC), the Slovenian Recovery and Resilience Office will submit the revised plan to Brussels by Monday, 21 October 2024, for formal coordination and approval.

To ensure the smooth implementation of the RRP and to facilitate the submission of upcoming payment requests, the Government's proposal addresses minor deviations in the six measures identified during their implementation. While the milestones and targets for these measures have been adjusted, their overall objectives remain unchanged. The modifications primarily affect the methods of implementation.

The amendment includes adjustments to the following measures:

  1. Investment in the Energy-Efficient Restructuring of District Heating Systems to Renewable Energy Sources – The proposed amendment will enable the pooling of funds in a new call for tenders to attract larger projects, addressing the low number of applications received in previous calls. Under the amendment, the objective is to provide an additional 27 MW of renewable energy capacity (up from 22 MW) by approximately mid-2026 (previously the end of 2025). The estimated cost of the measure is €13.5 million (previously €11 million).
  2. Investment in the Sustainable Renovation of Buildings – This amendment modifies the investment by removing the intermediate milestone for the objective "Completed energy and sustainable renovation of buildings of major administrative and social importance." The milestone "Completed energy and sustainable renovation of publicly owned residential buildings" is also excluded due to a lack of interest from potential applicants. The €2.5 million initially allocated for this purpose will instead be redirected to the investment mentioned in point 1. The total value of the investment will be €63.55 million in grants (previously €66.05 million) and €22.5 million in loans.
  3. Investment in Reducing Flood Risk and Other Climate-Related Disasters – In light of the impact of last year's floods, the implementation deadline for two grant-funded projects has been extended to mid-2026 (previously the end of 2025), aligning it with other investment objectives.
  4. Investment in the Comprehensive Transformation of Green and Digital Education – To reduce administrative burdens, the Government proposes increasing the target for the objective "Professionals and managers trained in digital and sustainable development competences" to 23,500 (previously 20,000). The first target involves an average of 2.8 training days, with an indicative deadline of mid-2024, while the second target comprises 11 training days, with an expected completion by mid-2026.
  5. Reform to Increase the Efficiency of Public Environmental Protection Services – The proposal includes a textual revision of the milestone description to "Entry into force of the Act on Public Services of Environmental Protection."
  6. Investment in the Production of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources – The proposal suggests changing the milestone title to "Issuance of co-financing decisions for new renewable energy production installations."

This is the second amendment to the Slovenian Recovery and Resilience Plan. The first amendment was approved by the Council of the European Union in October last year.

In parallel with the submission of this proposed amendment, a comprehensive review of the RRP’s overall implementation is ongoing. In November, the Government is expected to review ministries' proposals regarding the continuation of measures which, due to objective circumstances, are no longer feasible under the original plan approved by the Council of the European Union. This could have significant implications for Slovenia's ability to meet its milestones and targets, affecting its success in securing Recovery and Resilience Mechanism funds from Brussels. If, during informal discussions, the Government and the EC determine that further amendments are necessary to optimise the plan’s implementation, the Government will formally propose them. Any proposed changes must not significantly deviate from the original RRP agreed between Slovenia and Brussels in July 2021.