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State Secretary Gabrič meets Palestinian Minister of Women's Affairs Al-Khalili

During her participation in the UN Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security, State Secretary Melita Gabrič met with Palestinian Minister of Women's Affairs Mona Al-Khalili.
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State Secretary Gabrič meets with Palestinian Minister of Women's Affairs Al-Khalili | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve

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State Secretary Gabrič emphasised Slovenia's commitment to women's rights. The Women, Peace and Security agenda holds particular importance for Slovenia as a member of the UN Security Council and is a cross-cutting theme in its work within this body, where Slovenia actively advocates for women's contributions to peace and security. State Secretary Gabrič and Minister Al-Khalili agreed on the importance of women's empowerment and the need to further strengthen their role in peace processes.

With regard to the current situation in the Middle East, State Secretary Gabrič reaffirmed Slovenia's commitment to lasting peace. In this context, the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, hosted Israeli and Palestinian sister organisations, Women Wage Peace and Women of the Sun, in March 2024 – a concrete contribution by Slovenia towards promoting dialogue and the inclusion of women in the peace process. She also highlighted Slovenia's ongoing project to provide treatment and rehabilitation for a group of children and adolescents from Gaza as a tangible step towards a better future.

The two officials addressed the critical situation of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which plays an essential role in delivering humanitarian assistance in Gaza and neighbouring countries. Its work remains of paramount importance. Slovenia, therefore, continues to extend both financial and political support to the Agency and backs a Palestinian authority capable of assuming governance in Gaza. State Secretary Gabrič reaffirmed that Slovenia will continue to advocate for a ceasefire in Gaza and a two-state solution, both through active engagement in the UN Security Council and through membership of the global coalition for a two-state solution.

Minister Al-Khalili expressed her gratitude to State Secretary Gabrič, acknowledging Slovenia's positions and actions as valued and appreciated in Palestine.