Slovenia and Egypt organise workshop on the nexus of climate change, conflict and displacement

Ambassador Smiljana Knez | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve
The first day of the thematic workshop entitled “Navigating the Nexus: Climate Change and Displacement in Conflict-affected Settings” featured a high-level panel discussion moderated by Andrew Harper, Special Adviser on Climate Action at the United Nations Refugee Agency. As one of the panellists, Smiljana Knez, Special Envoy for Climate Change at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, highlighted the importance of cross-border cooperation in building resilience to climate change and efforts to integrate climate security considerations into peace operations. Climate change is exacerbating conflicts, triggering armed conflicts and forcing people to flee their homes. Smiljana Knez recalled Slovenia's membership of the United Nations Security Council and the debate it had organised on environmental security, stressing the various aspects of forced displacement.
On the second day, a panel discussion on ways to align regional efforts with global initiatives to foster resilience and action on climate displacement in fragile environments will be moderated by Saša Ivanc from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia. Panellists from the African Migration Policy Centre, the International Organization for Migration, the United Nations Development Programme, the UN University Centre for Policy Research and Addis Ababa University will present best practices and regional initiatives to address these interlinked challenges.
The event also includes workshops organised by the Slovenian Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) and the Cairo Center for Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa (CCCPA) focusing on the development of concrete strategies and the implementation of action plans for capacity building in the areas of climate change, peace and security. This will offer an opportunity for African and European government representatives, to learn more about climate change-related security risks and their effects on displaced populations.
The Khartoum Process, chaired this year by Egypt, is a regional platform for strengthening political cooperation on migration and mobility between countries along the migration route between the Horn of Africa and Europe. It is one of the four EU regional migration processes for cooperation on migration management. The Luxor workshop is the first event of this kind that Slovenia organised in the framework of the EU's regional efforts.