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Call for Expressions of Interest: Appointment of Honorary Consul of the Republic of Slovenia in Sydney

The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Canberra is seeking expressions of interest in the role of Honorary Consul of the Republic of Slovenia for New South Wales. The consular post operates under supervision, according to the instructions and with the assistance of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Canberra. The Honorary Consul must be a resident of Sydney and will have jurisdiction throughout New South Wales. The position would be for a period of five years, commencing from the receipt of an exequatur from the Government of Australia.

The successful candidate should have a good standing and a good reputation within New South Wales, and an established network in business and government structures that will help to support Slovenian trade, investment, cultural, scientific and other interests in Sydney and New South Wales in partnership with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Canberra. Good understanding and knowledge of the Slovenian community in Sydney and New South Wales would be considered an advantage.

The role of an Honorary Consul is, by definition, honorary and not salaried. The successful candidate must be in a position to provide suitable premises that are of a professional standard for the Consulate in Sydney. An Honorary Consul must also be a trustworthy person of high repute, able to obtain a police clearance and be an Australian citizen or long-term resident in Australia.

Applications comprising a one-page expression of interest and a CV with a photo should be sent to the Embassy at, with the heading “Honorary Consul Expression of Interest” by close of business on 15th December 2024. Before the appointment, a prospective candidate generally has to make a courtesy call to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ljubljana.

In the selection process, the Embassy will observe the "Instructions For Honorary Consular Officers Of The Republic Of Slovenia".