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The government adopts several measures to cut electricity bills this winter

At today’s session, the Government adopted three decrees seeking to cut the high electricity bills in the upcoming winter season and thus ease the transition to the new system of calculating network charges. The measures are aimed at enabling people to get through the winter calmly, without high electricity bills.

The Government will therefore continue to ensure that the price of electricity for households remains among the lowest in the EU.

Three decrees pertaining to electricity bills for household consumers were adopted: The Decree determining the price of electricity, the Decree determining the compensation for electricity suppliers and the amendment to the Decree on the method of determining and calculating the contribution for ensuring support for the production of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration and renewable energy sources.

Decree determining the price of electricity

The new system of calculating network charges, which was put in place on 1 October, has brought significant changes to how monthly network charges paid by consumers are determined. Under the previous system, the monthly network charges were set in the same manner and the relevant rates were the same throughout the year. The new system has introduced two seasons, the high and the low. The high season is from 1 November to 28 February. The tariff rates for network charges during the high season are significantly higher than in the low season.

By amending how the price of electricity is regulated for households, the Government will alleviate the increase that would have occurred as a result of the new method of calculating network charges. Based on the decree, the electricity price from November 2024 up to and including February 2025 was set at EUR 77/MWh on the total consumption amount (compared to the previous 90%). As a result of lower energy costs, the effect of increased network charges for the high season will therefore not be reflected in the November bill for household consumers. For an average household consumer, the total bill will amount to EUR 69.5. Without the measure, the total electricity bill would have been 34% higher than in the previous month.

Decree determining the compensation for electricity suppliers

All companies supplying electricity under the Decree will be entitled to compensation. The Energy Act provides for the possibility of compensating electrical suppliers at regulated prices. If the Government sets a maximum price for electricity, it can determine an appropriate financial compensation or other measures with the effect of affording adequate compensation for damages to the energy suppliers that would be significantly harmed by this measure.

Through the Decree determining the compensation for electricity suppliers, the Government has therefore prescribed the manner in which compensation and other measures are to be determined, the conditions and criteria for eligibility for compensation or other measures, the manner in which compensation is to be paid, the body to pay the compensation, and the source of the funds.

For suppliers not related to electricity producers established in the Republic of Slovenia, the Decree provides for another measure having the effect of adequate compensation for damages, as set out in the Energy Act.

Amendment to the Decree on the method of determining and calculating the contribution for ensuring support for the production of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration and renewable energy sources

In principle, all consumers pay a contribution for ensuring support for the production of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration and renewable energy sources. To cut high electricity prices, the Government suspended contribution payments for household consumers in June 2022. As the measure’s period of validity would have expired at the end of this year, the Government adopted an amendment to extend the suspension on contribution payments for household consumers until the end of February 2025.