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European Commission assesses Slovenia's medium-term fiscal strategy as in line with new rules

Today, the European Commission has presented the first European Semester Autumn Package under the new economic governance framework. The revised fiscal rules focus on medium-term fiscal-structural plans over a four-year period and set a growth target for net expenditure. The Commission has assessed Slovenia's plan as being in line with the new rules.

In the package published today, the Commission has also assessed the medium-term fiscal-structural plans (submitted by countries this autumn due to the transition period), alongside its assessment of the draft budgetary plans for 2025.

So far, 22 countries have submitted medium-term-fiscal structural plans. The Commission has assessed that 20 plans meet the requirements and set out a credible fiscal path. This includes Slovenia. The Commission has recommended that the Council of the European Union endorse the net expenditure path included in these plans. For Slovenia, the approved average net expenditure growth is 4.5% per year, as set out in the draft plan.

In addition, the Commission has assessed the draft budgetary plans (DBPs) for 2025, which outline the main orientations for fiscal targets and measures for the coming year. This assessment focuses on net expenditure growth in 2024–2025, with the Commission verifying that the net expenditure is in line with the ceilings set in the Member States' medium-term plans. Slovenia is among the eight countries (out of 17) assessed to be in line with the recommendations, as their projected net expenditure is remains within the ceilings.