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Call for proposals to support the participation of graduates in business development projects in border problem areas

The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has launched a call for proposals to support the inclusion of graduates in business development projects in border problem areas. The aim of the call for proposals is to promote the employment of graduates in companies operating in border problem areas.

The call for proposals will co-finance labour costs of college, university and post-graduate level graduates. Through project-oriented work in companies operating in border problem areas, they will help develop products and services that the individual company wishes to bring to the market, thereby improving the efficiency and profitability of its business.

The indicative amount of the available grant is 500 000 euros. The grants are available for the financial year 2025.

The eligible costs under this call for proposals are the salary costs (up to gross 2 amount) of the graduate staff employed on the project applied for and the cost of recourse for the graduate staff employed on the project.

The deadline for submission of applications is 15 January 2025. 

Click on the call for proposals (available in Slovene) for additional information.