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State Secretary Gabrič opens regional event on women’s participation in peace efforts

The Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, is hosting a regional expert event in Ljubljana entitled “Women in Peace and Security Efforts – Perspectives from South-Eastern Europe and Ukraine”. The event was opened by State Secretary Melita Gabrič.

This is the third event organised by Slovenia in cooperation with Norway on the Women, Peace and Security agenda as part of the implementation of the work programme of the Fund for Bilateral Relations of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism. The event focuses on the participation of women in peace and security efforts, also in the context of the upcoming 25th anniversary of the landmark UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.

In her address, State Secretary Melita Gabrič stressed that despite the progress made since the adoption of the resolution, which laid the foundations for the participation of women in peace efforts and their protection in conflict situations, many challenges remain that require a more effective incorporation of a gender perspective in operations, which Slovenia seeks to achieve as a member of the United Nations Security Council.

The regional event brings together governmental and non-governmental representatives from countries in South-Eastern Europe and Ukraine, as well as from UN Women, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the EU, NATO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Discussions will focus on the achievements and challenges in the field of women, peace and security since the adoption of the resolution, the creation of an enabling environment for women's full, equal, meaningful and safe participation in peace and security efforts, and the role of women in conflict prevention and accountability.

On the sidelines of the event, Slovenia and Norway will also hold bilateral consultations on women, peace and security on Tuesday, 10 December.