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30 million euros in EU funding for integrated energy-saving renovation of municipality-owned buildings

Ljubljana, 12 December 2024 – The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved EU funding for the call for proposals to co-finance integrated energy-saving renovation of municipality-owned buildings.

Workers on a construction site looking towards a building under renovation

EU funding for integrated energy-saving renovation of municipality-owned buildings | Author Pixabay

The call for proposals will allocate European Cohesion Policy funding to municipalities to co-finance eligible costs under two strands, relating to buildings (co-)owned and used by municipalities. The first strand covers the integrated energy-saving renovation of buildings, and the second strand covers the construction of new installations for producing electricity using solar energy, in line with the concept of electricity self-supply. The aim is to increase the energy efficiency of buildings, as the integrated energy-saving renovations are planned to result in higher energy savings and a reduction in direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions compared to the previous emissions. In addition, the living and working environment will be improved, as well as the cost-effectiveness and safety of buildings.

The call for proposals to co-finance integrated energy-saving renovation of municipality-owned buildings for the 2023-2027 period is implemented under Slovenia’s EU Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027, priority Green transformation for climate neutrality and pursues the specific objectives Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Cohesion Fund) and Promoting renewable energy in accordance with Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001, including the sustainability criteria set out therein (European Regional Development Fund).

The Cohesion Fund and the European Regional Development Fund contribute the bulk of the funding for the call for proposals worth 34.5 million euros, namely 30 million euros.

The Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy will publish the call for proposals in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia next Friday, i.e. on 20 December 2024.