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Slovenian companies participate in the biggest open-source project in the history of the European Union

The SIChain EIPS project that is part of the Important Project of Common European Interest – Next-Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI CIS) demonstrates that Slovenians can also play a key role in Europe's digital breakthrough.
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We supported the SIChain EIPS project through a call for proposals for projects included in the IPCEI CIS. The project will deliver innovative solutions based on blockchain technology and decentralised data storage. It strengthens the economy, promotes innovation and places Slovenia at the heart of Europe's digital transformation.

The Ministry has intensified its participation in the IPCEI projects. Furthermore, we are currently participating in the IPCEIs on microelectronics and batteries, and we are in the process of joining two additional IPCEI projects, namely on health and hydrogen. For our companies, participation in IPCEIs means better access to the European market, integration into European value chains and the development of key technologies.

The SIChain EIPS project is worth €2,440,000 and EU funding amounts to €1,288,600. The investment is part of the measures in Slovenia's Recovery and Resilience Plan that are implemented by the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport for the digital transformation of the economy.

The SIChain EIPS project was presented by partner companies Telemach Slovenia, Hashnet d. o. o. and PRO-BIT software d. o. o. at a press conference on 12 December 2024.

Tomislav Čizmić, CEO at Telemach, said: "The project represents an important step in the development of Slovenia's blockchain infrastructure and opens up tremendous opportunities for Slovenian businesses and digital transformation. At Telemach, we are continuously investing in the development of networks and cutting-edge technologies. The SIChain platform is hosted by Telemach in our state-of-the-art data centre, which we are very proud of, as it provides reliable services to the highest standards."

Hashnet CEO Tadej Slapnik highlighted the current oligopoly dominated by non-European providers of data storage and cloud services that are owned by large technology corporations outside the European Union: "This strategic project clearly demonstrates a commitment to the joint development of open-source and edge-based data storage and cloud service technologies that the European Union needs to consolidate its digital and data sovereignty. With €1.2 billion of public European funding and an additional €1.4 billion of private funding, the IPCEI CIS will become the biggest open-source project in the history of the European Union. We are proud that the SIChain EIPS project (European data and service infrastructure), implemented by Slovenian companies Telemach, Hashnet and Pro-Bit, is part of this important European project."