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New foreign policy strategy presented at the 28th Consultation of Slovenian Diplomats

On the first day of the 28th Consultation of Slovenian Diplomats, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted Slovenia’s new foreign policy strategy, which sets out the guidelines for achieving and implementing foreign policy goals. The new strategy is based on inclusiveness, responsibility, security, solidarity and knowledge, and is modern, transparent and long-term.
minister speaking, behind flags

At a press conference after the government meeting, Minister Tanja Fajon announced the adoption of a new foreign policy strategy | Author MZEZ

“Geopolitically challenging times call for clear direction and a bold vision. The new strategy reflects our common goal: for Slovenia to speak with one voice in the international arena, for peace and for diplomatic dialogue. It provides a common framework and guidelines for a unified and coordinated foreign policy, which is the key to Slovenia’s successful global engagement,” said Tanja Fajon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, at the adoption of the new foreign policy strategy at the government meeting.

The strategy reaffirms Slovenia’s position as a core European and Euro-Atlantic country and extends Slovenia’s foreign policy priorities to the global arena, where the country has been particularly active as an elected member of the UN Security Council. It also focuses on Slovenia in the EU, NATO, the UN and other multilateral forums, as well as on Slovenia’s efforts to develop relations with third countries. The strategy outlines a roadmap in seven priority areas, reflecting the need for interdisciplinarity as well as the principles and aspirations of Slovenia’s foreign policy.

This is the first time that Slovenia’s foreign policy strategic documents have set a limited number of objectives, which makes it possible to assess actual results. The strategy will be followed by implementation documents with concrete actions and timelines – the so-called action plans – first the annual implementation work plan of the MFEA and later, depending on the specific areas, regional and thematic documents.

The new foreign policy strategy builds on the previous strategies from 1999, 2002, 2010, 2015 and 2021. It is based on the Declaration of Foreign Policy of The Republic of Slovenia adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia in 2015, the Resolution on the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia from 2019 and the Resolution on development cooperation and humanitarian assistance of the Republic of Slovenia from 2017.