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Additional €14 million in EU funds for the restructuring of coal regions

The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved additional funding for the Call for proposals for promoting investments in the economic restructuring of the Zasavska and Savinjsko-Šaleška coal regions. Additional funding comes from the Just Transition Fund 2024-2027 (JTF productive investments) and amounts to EUR 14,419,800.
Zračna fotografija občine Trbovlje

Additional €14 million in EU funds for the restructuring of coal regions | Author Municipality of Trbovlje

SPIRIT Slovenia Business Development Agency that published the call for proposals received 71 project proposals, of which 39 were from the Savinjsko-Šaleška coal region and 32 from the Zasavska coal region. Based on the large number of well-prepared proposals, the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved additional EU funding for the call for proposals, increasing the total amount of the funding made available from the initial EUR 68,700,000 to 83,119,800.

''We have provided an additional EUR 14.5 million in EU funding after receiving so many well-crafted project proposals. The huge interest expressed by the applicants is a testament to the great potential of both coal regions. I'm pleased to announce that the funding will be earmarked for the projects that aim to create jobs, including high added value jobs,'' said Minister Jevšek on this occasion.  

The funding made available under the call for proposals comes from the Just Transition Fund. The call aims to support the economic restructuring of the Zasavska and Savinjsko-Šaleška coal regions by enabling job creation and providing various sustainable investments that will help coal regions deal with the socio-economic consequences of coal exit. Cohesion funding will thus speed up and facilitate the economic restructuring of Slovenia’s coal regions.