140th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
The Government discussed the starting points for drafting the proposal for an act on salaries and other remunerations to public employees for work abroad
The Government discussed the starting points for drafting the proposal for an act on salaries and other remunerations to public employees for work abroad, submitted to the Economic and Social Council by the Ministry of Public Administration.
The proposed starting points for drafting a new act to regulate the salaries and other remunerations to public employees and officials working abroad, which is scheduled to enter into force by no later than 1 January 2026, contains indicative starting points for a systemic reform of salaries and other remunerations to all seconded public employees and officials, and an appropriate regulation of possible exemptions or specificities of individual departments.
Principal solutions that deviate from the current regulations:
- the basic salary for work abroad is determined in a gross amount that is known and anticipated in advance and no longer depends on any possible change in the cost of living index;
- the allowance for living expenses abroad will be redetermined, so as to reflect the actual cost of living in a particular location or country of secondment, and will be adjusted for the cost of living index;
- a new evaluation of jobs, functions and titles will be made, so as to ensure a proportional range between pay grades or levels, eliminating the existing pay disparities.
Source: Ministry of Public Administration
The Government took note of the signing of a Letter of Intent with the Ministry of Defence of Finland in support of the procurement of Armoured Modular Vehicles 8X8
At its 139th session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia took note of the information from the Ministry of Defence regarding the purchase of Armoured Modular Vehicles 8X8. Based on the Government's decision, the Ministry of Defence has started the procurement process for 8x8 wheeled armoured fighting vehicles to be purchased from the manufacturer Patria Land Oy, Finland.
The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia will be assisted in the purchase of the aforementioned armoured vehicles by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Finland. By signing this Letter of Intent the two parties have demonstrated their willingness and intention to cooperate.
However, the signing of the Letter of Intent does not entail any legally binding obligations on any of the parties under their respective national laws or international law.
Source: Ministry of Defence