Speech by the Prime Minister at the artistic performance on the occasion of the opening event of the European Capital of Culture

Address of the Prime Minister Dr. Robert Golob | Author Nebojša Tejić/STA
Speech by the Prime Minister Robert Golob
Dear citizens of Nova Gorica, esteemed compatriots,
Cari Goriziani, ospiti e amici,
Dear fellow Europeans,
Two cities, two countries, one capital – the European Capital of Culture. Just as the river Soča, the limpid daughter of the heights, unites all of us who live along it today, so does the idea of Europe, an idea born out of a dream of peace, freedom, friendship and equality. And that is why it is all the more important that today, as we stand here proudly, where we are all at home together, Slovenians, Italians, Friulians and everyone else, we send a message, one message to Europe and the world. A message that begins with “never again”. Never again hate. Never again exclusion. Never again the incitement of nation against nation or brother against brother. A message based on a common European dream.
That is why it is all the more important to send a message of cooperation and integration from here, from this corner of the world – which suffered greatly in the last century, and where the bitter steel of war struck particularly mercilessly, where the river Soča, the daughter of the heights, flowed full of blood. If we have succeeded in taking these important steps, which are celebrated here before us today, then everyone can do it. And we can be proud today of being an example to the whole of Europe.
Today marks the beginning of a wonderful year, and we are celebrating the start of something great and beautiful, but not only this. We are also celebrating the courage and hard work of all those who have worked for years to make this European Capital of Culture possible. We are also celebrating a culture that encourages and inspires us all to go beyond ourselves, to step out of our comfort zones and believe there is something bigger than ourselves And just as culture will link two cities into one, so too will the culture and idea of Europe link many nations into one European family. Two Goricas, one city. Many nations, one Europe. Let’s go, Gorica.