Raising awareness of digital dependency and finding effective solutions
This year, Safer Internet Day revolves around the topic "Together for a Better Internet". This international event promotes the safe and responsible use of online technologies, with a special focus on children and young people. In Slovenia, the day will be marked with various activities coordinated by the Safe.si Internet Awareness Point.
According to the National Institute of Public Health's (NIJZ) Health Behaviour of School Children Survey (HBCS), 9% of adolescents report problematic use of social networking sites, with the highest proportion found among 13-year-olds. Approximately a quarter of adolescents play video games every day, with 57% spending more than two to three hours a day on them, and 9% showing signs of addiction.
The situation among adults is also concerning. The National Survey on Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drugs (ATADD) reveals that one-third of adults aged 15–64 spend more than three hours a day online during their leisure time. Of these, 6% show signs of addiction, while 13% engage in gambling for money.
Tackling the risks of online gambling and video gaming for children and young people
Slovenia is actively involved in the international Technical Support Instrument (TSI) project, part of which addresses the risks of online gambling and video gaming, particularly among children and young people. Co-funded by the European Union DG Reform within the framework of the TSI, and implemented by the Council of Europe Pompidou Group in cooperation with the European Commission, this aims to assist national authorities in developing policies and strategies to prevent and address risks related to digital addiction, with a specific focus on online gambling and video gaming. The project provides research support, develops tools and strategies for prevention, intervention and treatment, and works to raise awareness among children, young people and their parents about the risks associated with online gambling and video gaming.
The project, which began in October 2024 and will run for two years, involves nine EU Member States – Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia – along with Denmark and Montenegro as observers. Its goal is to strengthen national responses to digital addiction.
Slovenia is collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders, including representatives from various ministries, public health experts, health institutions, NGOs and researchers who are already implementing prevention and treatment programmes for this growing problem. A key aspect of Slovenia's role is to bring together different sectors and stakeholders and to adapt international best practices to the Slovenian context.
For more information about the project, visit the Pompidou website.