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EU funding for digital transformation of the economy

The digital transformation of the economy and the public sector is essential for the country’s long-term development and competitiveness. The Ministry of the Economy provided support for the 23 digital transformation projects of 108 Slovenian businesses as part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). The European Union has co-financed the investment with EUR 43.8 million.

The Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport launched a call for EU funds for a comprehensive digital transformation of business operations or the digital transformation of individual corporate business functions as part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan in 2022. The Ministry selected 23 projects that involved the participation of 23 consortia with a total of 108 businesses. The consortia developed digital strategies for the transformation of business operations, technologies and organisational culture and implemented the planned project activities that will contribute to the increase and growth in productivity, optimisation of production and service expenses, and to the increase in competitiveness and the possibility of commercialising innovative solutions.

Presentation of the projects selected by public tender for digital transformation

Luka.DT project

The digital transformation as part of the Digital Transformation of Processes in the Port of Koper Project took place in three stages. It included a digital strategy, development of solutions based on advanced technologies, the implementation of said solutions in business processes, and staff training. The activities were carried as part of the following working procedures:

  • introducing artificial intelligence in decision-making and planning processes;
  • introducing the application of big data and digital twins;
  • introducing advanced visual technologies;
  • transformation of transhipment, storage and additional services; and
  • digitalisation of service value chains.

The project involved the participation of the consortium consisting of the following partners: Luka Koper, d. d., Actual I.T., d. d., Igea d. o. o., Špica International, d. o. o., Solvesall, d. o. o.; Emigma, d. o. o.

Bela Project

The project Digital Transformation of the Elektro Ljubljana Ecosystem to Support the Energy Transition and Improve User Experience (BELA) enabled the strategically planned digital transformation of important business functions at Elektro Ljubljana. This transformation was carried out through several work packages, where each package contributed significantly to technological advancement, process improvement, and enhanced user experience:

  • development of a digital strategy;
  • upgrading information systems and introducing advanced algorithms for validation and imputation of measurement data;
  • work on energy flexibility – introduction of a new module on the Moj Elektro portal;
  • digitalisation of investment management;
  • improving field maintenance processes by introducing advanced digital solutions;
  • digitalisation of user request management;
  • development of automated procedures for indicative calculations for connecting renewable energy sources (RES);
  • development of an advanced platform for big data exchange.

The project involved the participation of the consortium consisting of the following partners: Elektro Ljubljana; TROIA, d. o. o.; INFORMATIKA, d. o. o.; COMLAND, d. o. o.

JUMP 4 – Digital Leap

In accordance with the developed digital strategy, the largest part of the JUMP 4 – Digital Leap project was the development of the functionality of new solutions:

  • upgrading manufacturing equipment and existing architecture to capture even more production data and preparing various reports that serve for manufacturing as well as for other business functions and, of course, management;
  • robotisation of individual manufacturing processes and automation of operations across all business functions;
  • connecting machinery manufacturing operations with data processing systems;
  • developing traceability systems for materials in manufacturing and tools and equipment;
  • developing a new solution for accessing technical contents and product specification;
  • connecting processes into a single digital thread in the areas of quality, change of management and human resources;
  • optimisation of master data preparation for automated intercompany transactions;
  • upgrading artificial intelligence models for improved production planning and control processes;
  • adapting internal processes to use artificial intelligence models to manage and direct the company;
  • establishing new platforms to increase the efficiency of development processes, CRM system to support new cloud application models (SaaS).

The project involved the participation of the consortium consisting of the following partners: Kolektor d. d., Kolektor Mobility d. o. o., Kolektor KFH d. o. o., Kolektor Sikom d. o. o., Kolektor orodjarna d. o. o., Qlector d. o. o., Domel holding, d. d., Domel, d. o. o., Špica International d. o. o. Ljubljana, Audax d. o. o.

Civil Engineering 4.0

The Civil Engineering (Gradbeništvo) 4.0 project sets the foundations for digital transformation of Civil Engineering.

During the project, the companies used digital strategy to digitise several key business functions, such as manufacturing, construction operations, sales, human resources, and software development. The content was divided into five pillars:

  • In manufacturing, i.e. the Concrete Plant (Betonarna) 2.0 pillar, the production of concrete mixtures was digitalised by using sensory techniques and automation.
  • Under the Construction Site 4.0 pillar, operational processes on construction sites were digitised and secure data storage and improved traceability were ensured by introducing an e-construction logbook and journal and blockchain technology.
  • The digitalization of the commercial function has brought about a centralized Construction Platform, which enables connections with subcontractors and suppliers and increases the transparency of procurement processes.
  • A competence management, an employee training portal and an innovation platform have been established in the Digital Worker pillar.
  • The Building as a Platform pillar was used to transform the business model for the provision of services in smart space and smart buildings design.

The project involved the participation of a consortium consisting of the following partners: GIC Gradnje, d. o. o., SRC d. o. o., ROBOTINA d. o. o., SUNESIS d. o. o.

Projects of common European interest

As part of its efforts to digitise the economy, the ministry will also provide support to companies involved in important projects of common European interest. EUR 6.5 million of European recovery and resilience funds have been earmarked to this end until mid-2026.

We are participating in a project of common European interest concerning a common European data and services infrastructure – the Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI CIS) project, which is aimed at developing advanced cloud and edge computing. It is the next generation of the European cloud, which is particularly important because it contributes to better access to data and brings data, and thus markets, closer to companies at their locations – hubs. We participate in theIPCEI with four projects and 11 Slovenian companies.

Another project of common European interest is the Microelectronics and Communication Technologies (IPCEI ME/CT) Project, which is intended for developments in microelectronics, semiconductors and microchips, which are important primarily for the operation of important systems, such as the automotive industry, the electrical industry and the like. Two Slovenian companies are participating with projects in this IPCEI, acting in conjunction with their European partners from Austria, France, Czech Republic and Germany.

Reform activities aimed at digitalising enterprises

Reform activities are carried out under RRP aimed at digitalising enterprises. In 2022, the Ministry developed a Digital Transformation Strategy for Companies, which defined advanced digital technologies with which companies carry out digital business transformation, including artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, big data, platforms and digital twins, blockchain technology, and third-generation internet technologies (WEB3). We also addressed the relevant supporting environments (research and development, entrepreneurial and financial environments) and the relevant legislative framework. The strategy provided the basis for the implementation of investment activity – a public tender for the digital transformation of companies.

We have also prepared Guidelines for Innovative Public Procurement, which simplify the public procurement process for innovative companies. n early 2025, the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport, together with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, will implement an e-identity project. The purpose of the corporate e-identity project is to establish a digital corporate identity as a new service on the SPOT portal. The project will be targeted at business entities. Users of the new service will also be employees of ministries and various institutions that prepare public tenders and programmes for companies to co-finance projects in various content areas and from various sources of funding. The new service will be user-friendly, simple, secure and reliable, and will capture data from various official civil registers or databases in real time and display this data in one place. It will focus on key data about companies that are relevant for the companies themselves as applicants in the procedures for obtaining financial resources under state and local community measures, as well as for the state or local administration in the process of drawing up applications and of considering applications for various subsidy programmes and corporate refinancing programmes. This will make it easier for companies to access funds, while at the same time significantly reducing the administrative burden of supervision. The goal is for at least 200 companies to obtain an e-identity.

E-identity is one of the many conditions that a country must meet in order to apply for available EU funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, the most financially extensive part of the NextGenerationEU package for economic recovery and strengthening and mitigating the social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.

More about the Recovery and Resilience Plan, which includes reforms and investments aimed at, among other things, the strengthening and updating digital infrastructure and supporting the development of advanced technological solutions.