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Prime Minister Golob: “Science enjoys support and understanding of politics”

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Robert Golob, today took part in the conference on the subject of “Science is – science can”, which was held at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
It depicts three speakers sitting at a table during an event. One of them is actively speaking into a microphone, while the other two are listening. On the table, there are books, microphones, and green plants.
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In his address, the Prime Minister said that the Government believes in and understands science. "Just today, at the government session, we discussed an amendment to the Scientific Activity Act and further increased the proportion of funds that will be allocated to science and innovation," said Prime Minister Golob, adding that this was one of the best investments from the state budget that society could make for its future. "Science is about the fact that a small group of highly educated and progressive-minded people who, receiving enough money primarily from the State, can create a better future for all generations and all people in the country."

The Prime Minister went on to stress the importance of integration of scientific branches, such as social sciences and humanities with natural sciences, which is crucial in achieving breakthrough ideas. It is though integration that science can achieve its true goals. In his address, the Prime Minister also highlighted the importance of the applicability of science. He added that he was attending an extraordinary European Council meeting, which will also discuss defence and security spending issues. "One of the things we want to achieve is that defence and security are significantly more than just the purchase of weapons." “It is with this message and these positions that I am leaving for Brussels and I want to see a larger proportion of expenditure on defence and security being allocated to dual-use," said the Prime Minister.

“Science enjoys support and understanding of politics”, added Prime Minister Golob. Prime Minister Golob has consistently emphasised that the Slovenian Government is aware of the importance of science and development. Despite various crises, the Government's first priority has been to substantially increase funding for science, research and innovation. He stressed that investment in knowledge is the only guarantee to ensure social progress.

At today’s session, the Government adopted amendments to the Scientific Research and Innovation Activity Act, which provides for additional funding for science. The amended Scientific Research and Innovation Activity Act redefines the funding criteria for scientific research and innovation, which are aimed at providing budgetary funding accounting for up to 1.25% of the GDP, where 1% will be allocated for scientific research and 0.25% for innovation.

Let us recall that the Government adopted and amendment proposal to the Public Holidays and Work-off Days in the Republic of Slovenia Act, establishing November 10 as Science Day, a new national holiday aimed at raising awareness of the importance of science and its achievements, making them more popular and accessible to the citizens. The proposed amendment is still in the legislative procedure of the National Assembly.