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Minister Fajon at the Raisina Dialogue: Building trust is key to a secure future

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon concluded her Asian tour in India, where she participated in the Raisina Dialogue international conference and the Young Raisina Leaders event. She also met with Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and visited an education centre in Kolkata founded 17 years ago by a Slovenian woman and her husband.
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Minister Fajon speaking at the Raisina Dialogue conference | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve

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In New Delhi, Minister Fajon took part in a panel discussion entitled "Compete and Cooperate: Securing the Future", where she highlighted: "We are surrounded by security risks, economic nationalisms and the world order is under severe threat. For Europe and Slovenia, this is both a challenge and an opportunity – if we have the courage and strong leadership. History has proven that tariffs and trade wars have severely harmed societies. Slovenia supports a predictable, rules-based economic environment and building stronger partnership with like-minded countries." After the debate, she expressed her satisfaction that the title of the panel carried a similar message to the slogan of Slovenia's Security Council membership: BUILDING TRUST – SECURING FUTURE: "This reflects a broader awareness that we need more cooperation for a better future and that this can only happen through mutual trust." Before the panel, Minister Fajon, together with the foreign ministers participating in the conference, met with the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.

She also participated in the Young Raisina Leaders event "Leadership for Peace", where she answered questions from young people. They were particularly interested in Minister Fajon's views on the EU's role in the world, Ukraine and European security, the situation in the Western Balkans and the Indo-Pacific, including other topical foreign policy themes. In the debate, Minister Fajon stressed that there was no alternative for Slovenia but a functioning multilateralism and respect for international law: "The EU needs to build partnerships and alliances and strengthen its resilience." She also stressed the importance of further EU enlargement for both the candidate countries and the EU itself: "By 2030, I hope to see a more united, stronger and enlarged EU."

The Raisina Dialogue is India's largest international conference, organised by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF). As part of the partnership between the Bled Strategic Forum and ORF, the Secretary-General of the Bled Strategic Forum, Peter Grk, will also participate in the panel: "As Atlantis Sinks: Does China Rise?".

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Minister Tanja Fajon with Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve

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During her visit, Minister Fajon met with Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyan Jaishankar. The two officials confirmed their mutual interest in building on their excellent cooperation, particularly on trade, the green transition, science, research, mobility and advanced technologies. Minister Fajon emphasised: "India is our second most important foreign trade partner in Asia. It is also one of the world's largest and fastest growing economies. I am pleased that the two countries are strengthening their cooperation. The Slovenian-Indian Day of Science and Innovation has already been held twice, a regional hub for innovative technologies has been created and a partnership on river basin management has been established." The two leaders supported the upgrading of the EU-India strategic partnership, including the conclusion of a free trade agreement. Minister Fajon invited Minister Jaishankar to this year's Bled Strategic Forum. They also discussed the situation in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Before attending the Raisina Dialogue conference, Minister Fajon visited the Piali Ashar Alo Educational Center in Kolkata, which was founded in 2008 by a Slovenian woman and her husband. In the beginning, only a few dozen children attended the school, but today there are more than 300 children, mostly girls. "The story of the Piali Ashar Alo Educational Center is incredibly inspiring. One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world. And that is exactly what they do here every day. This is a place of hope, solidarity and kindness.  It was a privilege to visit," said Minister Fajon.

In addition to regular classes, the centre organises educational courses (applied English, computer science, drawing) and vocational training (tailoring, hairdressing). In this way, people from the village acquire skills that help them become more financially independent. The school also provides hot meals, school supplies, uniforms and access to medical care.

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Minister Tanja Fajon visits the Piali Ashar Alo Educational Center | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve

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