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Slovenia takes over for the first time the presidency of this strong group of MED9 countries
During its presidency of MED9, Slovenia will focus on strengthening Europe's resilience and competitiveness, youth empowerment and capacity-building in higher education, digitalisation and culture as well as the EU enlargement and other foreign policy issues. A number of events will be organised during the Presidency, which you can follow on the dedicated MED9 website.
Slovenia Weekly reader satisfaction survey
Please find a short questionnaire regarding your satisfaction with the Government newsletter Slovenia Weekly.
GOVSI Podcast: The Future of Slovenian Agriculture
In the latest episode of the government’s GOVSI podcast, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Mateja Čalušić sheds light on the key challenges and opportunities facing Slovenian agriculture, as well as the country’s strategy for the future of food supply.
Slovenia welcomes the decision of the Arab countries
Slovenia welcomes the decision by Arab countries to adopt a comprehensive plan for Gaza’s reconstruction at the extraordinary Arab summit in Cairo on 4th March 2025. This important step demonstrates a strong and unified Arab commitment, with genuine Arab ownership of the process and a clear focus on safeguarding the Palestinian people’s inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination, to their land, and ultimately to statehood.
Meeting with Congressman Paul Gosar
On March 6th, 2025 Ambassador Iztok Mirošič and Congressman Paul Gosar met for a meeting, where they discussed about possibilities in strengthening the economic bilateral cooperation between Slovenia and USA & Arizona.
Prime Minister Golob: "We cannot build a stronger Europe with weapons alone."
Prime Minister Robert Golob is attending a special European Council meeting in Brussels devoted to strengthening European defence and ensuring a lasting peace in Ukraine.
Consular Office Hours in Edinburgh
The consular services will be available on Friday, 21 March 2025, at Consulate General Edinburgh, 165 Craigcrook Road, Edinburgh EH47SU.
Open Positions at the Slovenian Embassy in Copenhagen
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Copenhagen is seeking to recruit two professionals for the following positions:
1. Public Diplomacy Coordinator
2. Communication Officer and Events Coordinator -
National consultation on EU macro-regional strategies
The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs organised the National Consultation on EU Macro-Regional Strategies, which was held at Brdo pri Kranju and brought together representatives from ministries and other stakeholders involved in the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), and the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR).
Prime Minister Golob: “Science enjoys support and understanding of politics”
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Robert Golob, today took part in the conference on the subject of “Science is – science can”, which was held at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Minister Poklukar at the Meeting of EU Interior Ministers in Brussels
Minister of the Interior Boštjan Poklukar attended the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting in Brussels.
144th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today’s session, the Government adopted amendments to the Scientific Research and Innovation Activity Act, which provides for additional funding for science, and the proposal for the Act Regulating the Partial Reimbursement of Wage Compensation for Reduced Working Hours. It also took note of the guidelines for the drafting of calls for tenders for the allocation of public funds under the Programme of measures to promote entrepreneurship and competitiveness.
Opportunities for businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean with support of the Inter-American Development Bank
A seminar on business opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) was held at the Centre of Excellence in Finance, organised by the Ministry of Finance in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, as part of the LAC 2025 Days, the public agency SPIRIT and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
Slovenia is gravely concerned about the decision to completely block humanitarian aid access to Gaza
Slovenia is gravely concerned about the decision to completely block humanitarian aid access to Gaza. This could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe, severely affecting the civilian population already suffering from the conflict. Such actions are in clear violation of international law, particularly international humanitarian law and human rights law.
A new breeze in the fight against cancer – developing the LUKA and PETER programmes
The 42nd Slovenian Week Against Cancer is taking place under the slogan: "A new breeze in the fight against cancer – developing the LUKA and PETER programmes". The event, organised by the Association of Slovenian Cancer Societies in cooperation with the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, the Ministry of Health, and the National Cancer Control Programme, brought together experts to discuss future cancer screening programmes.
Archivalia of the month March 2025
The Archivalia of the Month March 2025 with the title Donate to Winter Help is published in the Online Column Archivalia of the Month.
Donate for Winter Help
The propaganda poster by painter Jože Beránek bearing the slogan Donate for Winter Help was created to address the people on the streets of Ljubljana during the winter of 1944. Despite its political context, it carries a universal message: the greatest victims of all wars are children. By choosing to present this poster, which was printed on lower-quality paper that is irreversibly deteriorating, we also want to highlight the importance of the preservation of our cultural heritage.
Highlights of Slovenia's activities in the UN Security Council in February 2025
In February, the UN Security Council was chaired by China, which organised an open debate on multilateralism. Among other things, the Security Council discussed Syria and other issues relating to the Middle East, the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ukraine.
143rd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's session, the Government adopted a draft amendment to the Confiscation of Assets of Illicit Origin Act, the Decree on the compulsory health insurance service programmes, the capacities required for their implementation and the amount of funding for 2025. It also adopted measures to speed up the absorption of EU funds.
Government approves measures to improve 2021-2027 EU funds absorption
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has approved measures to improve the absorption of the funds available under Slovenia’s EU Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027. The Government also approved amendments to the Programme and issued a supplemented decree regarding Cohesion Policy implementation. The draft measures were prepared by the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development, together with the other line ministries.