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  • Slovenia’s electricity consumption on 4 May 2024 entirely from renewables

    In the first three days of May, most of Slovenia’s electricity consumption was covered by renewable energy sources, while on 4 May 2024, the electricity generated from renewables even exceeded daily consumption.

  • Fourth Strategic Dialogue between Slovenia and the USA

    State Secretary Sanja Štiglic and US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien hosted the fourth Strategic Dialogue between the two countries in Ljubljana. Established in 2020, the Slovenian-US Strategic Dialogue provides a framework for strengthening bilateral cooperation and exchanging views on all topical issues facing the international community.

  • Measures to alleviate energy poverty

    The Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy has set targets, put in place measures and allocated resources for reducing energy poverty in Slovenia in the Action Plan to Alleviate Energy Poverty. To this end, it will allocate almost EUR 34 million over the next three years.

  • A memorandum of understanding on gas supply signed between Slovenia and Hungary

    The Slovenian Minister of the Environment, Climate and Energy, Bojan Kumer, attended a working meeting in Budapest on 4 October 2023, following an invitation received from the Hungarian Minister of the Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó. The main reason for the visit was the signing of a political memorandum of understanding on the gas supply between the two countries.

  • Minister Kumer after the NEK Intergovernmental Commission session: NEK operated responsibly, safely and reliably

    The 17th session of the Intergovernmental Commission for Monitoring the Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Croatia on the Regulation of the Status and Other Legal Relations regarding Investment, Exploitation and Decommissioning of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NEK) took place today.

  • Economical routes for more life

    The traditional European Mobility Week campaign began last weekend as one of the most massive and influential initiatives in Slovenia and Europe at large.

  • Notice to public transport passengers for 14 August 2023

    On Monday 14/08/2023, intercity public passenger bus services and domestic rail services will operate according to the planned weekday holiday timetable.

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    Trafficability of roads and electricity supply improve

    Today's press conference on the current situation in the flood-affected areas was attended by the Minister of the Environment, Climate and Energy, Bojan Kumer, Minister of Infrastructure, Alenka Bratušek, Acting Director of the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, Leon Behin, Commander of the Notranjska Regional Civil Protection Headquarters, Sandi Curk, and Head of the Centre of Environmental Health at the National Institute of Public Health, Nina Pirnat.

  • Information for Passengers on National Rail and Bus Services in Slovenia

    Report includes information on Intercity Bus Transport, Domestic Rail Passenger Transport and International Rail Passenger Transport.

  • High-level event commemorating this year's Earth Overshoot Day

    In a resounding call for sustainability and innovation, Slovenia’s Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy ushers in the One-Hour Initiative during high-level event commemorating this year's Earth Overshoot Day
    A new initiative motivating Slovenia’s businesses to align their strategies with the reality of persistent ecological overshoot

  • Slovenia’s Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy and Global Footprint Network host high-level event to mark Earth Overshoot Day 2023

    Slovenia is the first EU country to include the Ecological Footprint in its National Development Strategy

  • Hydrogen Future Map

    With the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley (NAHV) project, lead partner Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE), the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy and the entire consortium of 37 partners, drawn from Slovenia, Croatia and the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia in Italy are proud to position their macro-region firmly ON THE HYDROGEN FUTURE MAP.

  • Prime Minister Golob in Zagreb: We are focused on the future and strengthening cooperation for the benefit of citizens

    The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Robert Golob, today paid an official visit to Croatia at the invitation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenković. He was accompanied in Zagreb by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, and the Minister of the Environment, Climate and Energy, Bojan Kumer.

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    55th Regular Session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At its today’s session, the Government adopted the decree on aid to promote the deployment of energy from renewable sources, storage and heat from renewable sources, and the proposal to update the National Energy and Climate Plan. It also adopted the proposed amendment to the Agriculture Act.

  • The Slovenian Government is serious about launching the NPP2 project

    Prime Minister Robert Golob, Minister of the Environment, Climate and Energy Bojan Kumer and Minister of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Uroš Brežan visited Krško today.

  • Positive Decision from the European Commission for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Deployment

    The Ministry of the Environment, Climate, and Energy has notified the European Commission of a new measure of investment aid to promote the production of electricity and heat from renewable sources, as well as the storage of electricity and heat.

  • Minister attends EU Energy Council meeting

    At an EU Energy Council meeting, EU ministers discuss the reduction of gas consumption, changes in the electricity market and the green transition.

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    Reorganisation will contribute to more successful government work

    Today’s taking of the oath by ministers in the National Assembly marks the beginning of a new era in the government term of Dr Robert Golob. The establishment of an efficient organisational structure of ministries will ensure better operability and more successful implementation of the Government’s tasks on the basis of the commitments from the Coalition Agreement.