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  • Majority of aid for farmers and fishermen already paid out within the measures to mitigate price increases

    In the first half of September, the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development (ARSKTRP) started paying aid to the agricultural and fisheries sectors, which are facing increasing costs of production and processing due to the rising prices of fuel, electricity and intermediate goods. By 30 September, almost EUR 22.2 million of aid was paid out from the anticipated EUR 22.3 million.

  • The EU agriculture and fisheries Council on marking foods, the CAP after 2021 ank the all European mark on animal well being

    The EU Ministers responible for agriculture and fisheries met yesterday and today at the last session of the EU Council of the year under the presidency of Germany. State secretary mag. Miran Mihelič attended the session for Slovenia. As is traditional for the end of the year, negotiations on fishing opportunities for the next year were at the forefront of the meeting, which are faced with additional challenges due to United Kingdom’s exit from the EU. Discussion on the proposal of a uniform voluntary marking of nutritional values on the front of packaging was also at the forefront, which resulted in the adoption of resolutions of the presidency, as well as the discussion about an all-European marking on animal well-being on foods of animal origin. During lunch, the German presidency presented to the Ministers the advancements in negotiations on the Common Agricultural Policy after 2021, which, following the adoption of the General Approach of the Council, are now continuing with the European Parliament in the form of so-called trialogues.

  • Importance and strengthening of self-sufficiency and short supply chains in rural areas through the LEADER/CLLD approach

    At a time when Slovenia is once again facing an epidemic, the importance of local self-sufficiency and short supply chains is particularly highlighted. Every third Friday in November we celebrate Slovenian Food Day, in whose context the Traditional Slovenian Breakfast project, consisting of locally produced and processed foods, will be carried out this year for the tenth consecutive year.

  • EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council discusses environmental and climate aspects of the Common Agricultural Policy beyond 2020

    At the meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council attended by State Secretary Dr Jože Podgoršek, the ministers discussed the environmental and climate aspects of the common agricultural policy (CAP) beyond 2020. The Commission put before the Member States two proposals for regulations laying down the CAP transitional provisions that would ensure continuity in terms of policy implementation and the granting of support to farmers in 2021.