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  • European Commission announces withdrawal of proposal for regulation on sustainable use of plant protection products

    The European Commission announced its withdrawal of a proposal for a regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products by 31 March 2024. Slovenia supported the proposal in principle, but repeatedly pointed out certain problematic issues during the discussion, in particular the inadequate consideration of the specificities of individual Member States.

  • Agriculture and fisheries council on new genomic techniques and labelling honey blends

    The last Agriculture and Fisheries Council under the Spanish Presidency began on Sunday with negotiations on fishing opportunities. On the second day of the meeting, the Council considered the compromise text of the proposed regulation on new genomic techniques and discussed the labelling of the origin of honey blends. State Secretary Eva Knez participated in the second day of the meeting, in which the Council discussed the proposal for a regulation on plant protection products, took note of the situation in agricultural markets and took stock of the strategic plans of the common agricultural policy.

  • World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week

    World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (WAAW), which started on 18 November with the European Antibiotic Awareness Day, takes place this week. Growing antimicrobial resistance is a threat to people, animals, plants and the environment.

  • Slovenia supporting the ban on glyphosate use

    Plant Protection Products (PPPs) Legislative Section Session took place today in Brussels, within the framework of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (PAFF Committee), including Member State voting on Commission legislative proposal for decision on extension of authorisation of active substance glyphosate

  • Minister Šinko and Commissioner Kyriakides on food safety

    Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Irena Šinko met today with the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.

  • Presentation of special aspects of Slovenian agriculture in the light of the upcoming new legislation on the sustainable use of plant protection products

    As part of the new EU legislation to be adopted on the sustainable use of plant protection products, a European Commission delegation headed by Deputy Director-General for Health and Food Safety Claire Bury visited Slovenia at the invitation of Minister Irena Šinko.

  • Termination of simplified procedure for non-commercial movements of pets due to the exceptional situation in Ukraine

    As of 1 March 2023, the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection (AFSVSPP) will no longer allow the entry of pet animals from Ukraine under the simplified procedure, based on Article 32 of Regulation (EU) 576/2013 on non-commercial movements of pets.

  • 4 October is World Animal Day

    Today, we celebrate World Animal Day. It is intended to raise awareness among the general public about animals as sentient beings and the necessity of caring for them responsibly and in a way that does not cause them pain, suffering and fear.

  • June 7th, World Food Safety Day

    On 20 December 2018, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the decision to proclaim June 7th World Food Safety Day, which is being marked this year for the fourth time. This year’s slogan is “Safer food, better health”.

  • 12 May shall mark the first International Day of Plant Health

    The United Nations have declared 12th May as the International Day of Plant Health, mainly to raise global awareness on how protecting the health of plants contributes to maintaining biodiversity and nature and promotes economic development. Diseases and pests harmful to plants may spread in various ways, even in luggage. Therefore, do not risk bringing plants from abroad and help keep our plants healthy.

  • Derogation for non-commercial movements of pets due to the exceptional situation in Ukraine

    Due to the emergency situation in Ukraine, the entry of pet animals is provisionally authorized on the basis of a completed application and under the conditions set out in the application to ensure that the entry of these animals into the EU does not pose a risk of rabies introduction/transmission.

  • Minister Podgoršek thanks the chief veterinary officers of the European Union for their work during the epidemic

    Minister Jože Podgoršek has attended a meeting of chief veterinary officers of the Working Party on Animals and Veterinary Questions. The event is traditionally organised in the framework of the presidency of the Council of the EU. The highest representatives of veterinary services meet to work, exchange views and socialise.