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  • Slovenia adopts overarching strategy document on intellectual property

    The Government adopted the first National Intellectual Property Strategy 2030 and tasked the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport to prepare an action plan to implement the Strategy in cooperation with other authorities. Thus Slovenia further recognises the role of intellectual property in fostering innovation, creativity and knowledge-sharing and the importance of its strategic management.

  • Annual meeting of the European Union Intellectual Property Network

    The annual meeting of the European Union Intellectual Property Network (EUIPN) took place in Ireland, and was also attended by the Director of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office Karin Žvokelj. The first draft of the European Union Intellectual Property Office's Strategic Plan 2030 and the framework for cooperation were discussed.

  • Meeting with EUIPO Executive Director Negrão to discuss Strategic Plan 2030

    Today, Minister Han met with the Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), João Negrão. They discussed the cooperation of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office with the EUIPO and the preparation of the EUIPO Strategic Plan 2030.

  • Exhibition Technology vs. Fire: inventions that help us improve the world

    An exhibition on the technological inventions that help us fight forest fires opens at the Kosovel House in Sežana today. Visitors can learn how firefighting equipment has evolved, see a mock-up of a Slovenian satellite that detects and monitors fires, try firefighting with 3D glasses and find out when the Karst region will be green again. The exhibition will run until 21 April and admission is free.

  • Signature of memorandums brings enhanced cooperation with Portuguese and Latvian offices

    A trilateral meeting between the Intellectual Property Office, the Portuguese Industrial Property Institute and the Latvian Patent Office concluded yesterday. The purpose of the meeting was to sign memorandums of understanding and to share knowledge and good practices, in particular in the areas of non-agri geographical indications, copyright and patenting.

  • Agreement with the European Patent Office brings lower fees for prior art searches

    The European Patent Office and the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office have signed an administrative agreement which will provide financial support to certain national patent applicants and Slovenian patent holders in the form of a reduction in the fee for searches to be carried out by the European Patent Office under the working agreement signed on 4 September this year.

  • Strengthened cooperation with the Visegrad Patent Institute

    The Slovenian Intellectual Property Office and the Visegrad Patent Institute (VPI) today concluded a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at supporting the innovation ecosystems of Slovenia and the four VPI countries through joint activities.

  • WIPO Director General meets with the innovation ecosystem and the creative sector

    Daren Tang, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), visited the Jožef Stefan Institute, met with representatives of Slovenian collective management organisations and the winners of this year's Innovation Day, as well as with startup companies at the Technology Park in Ljubljana.

  • Slovenia ranks 33rd in the Global Innovation Index 2023

    Slovenia retained its 33rd place among 132 countries in this year's ranking. Switzerland retained the top spot among the world's most innovative countries, a position it has held for more than a decade.

  • The importance of intellectual property for society as a whole discussed at meetings with presidents

    Daren Tang, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), met with the President of the Republic of Slovenia, the President of the National Assembly, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the Minister of Economy, Tourism and Sport. They discussed the importance of intellectual property as a catalyst for development for society as a whole.

  • Minister Han on the preparation of the first national strategy with Director General Tang

    Daren Tang, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), is visiting Slovenia. He and Minister Han discussed the preparation of Slovenia's first national intellectual property (IP) strategy. This will help to improve understanding and respect for intellectual property rights and, as a result, improve the environment for innovation and a competitive economy.

  • Signing of an agreement to speed up and cheapen invention protection procedures for Slovenian companies

    The signing of the Working Agreement between the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office and the European Patent Organisation on search co-operation will enable applicants to obtain quality information more quickly in patent grant procedures. Applicants for European and international patent applications will be able to obtain additional financial benefits for an invention that has been pre-examined by the European Patent Office.

  • Visit to the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore and participation in the International Trademark Association meeting

    The annual meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA) is held in Singapore and attended by the delegation of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office. The delegation also attended an event organised by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, where the Directors of the Slovenian and Singaporean IP Offices exchanged good practices in the field of intellectual property.

  • Presentation of the practice of the Boards of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office

    At yesterday's event, experts from the Boards of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) presented to the Slovenian public novelties and practical examples of how to deal with trade mark and design appeals.

  • World Intellectual Property Day celebrates women innovators, creators and entrepreneurs

    On 26 April, the member countries of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), including Slovenia, mark World Intellectual Property Day. On this day, a campaign is launched to raise public awareness about intellectual property and its role in fostering innovation and creativity.

  • Draft amendment to the Industrial Property Act for faster and cheaper procedures

    Today the Government adopted a draft amendment to the Industrial Property Act and will send it to the National Assembly for consideration under the ordinary procedure. The amendment aims to simplify and cheapen some existing procedures and further align Slovenian regulation with European and international rules.

  • Naming a meeting room after the great Slovenian inventor Peter Florjančič

    A ceremony was held today at the Intellectual Property Office to name a large meeting room after the outstanding Slovenian inventor and cosmopolitan Peter Florjančič. The event was attended by his daughter and grandson, and addressed by State Secretary Dejan Židan and the Director of the Office Karin Žvokelj.

  • The long-awaited launch of the unitary patent system will mark the beginning of a new era for intellectual property in Europe

    How will the unitary patent system simplify and improve the European patent system for the benefit of its users? This was the focus of today's event organised by the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office, the European Patent Office and the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for companies and interested professionals. The system is due to enter into force in April next year.

  • Slovenia has more female inventors than the European average

    Data from the latest European Patent Office survey highlights the gender gap in innovation, with women accounting for only 13.2% of European inventors listed in patent applications. At 17.4%, Slovenia ranks slightly above the European average.

  • Presentation of the practice of the Boards of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office

    On 25 October 2022, a joint event of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office and the Boards of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) was held in Ljubljana, for intellectual property (IP) attorneys, judges and other IP professionals.