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The Government and public sector trade unions sign documents implementing salary reform
15 November 2024 – The Ministers of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and representatives of the representative trade unions of the public sector today signed the key documents necessary for introducing the reformed public sector salary system on 1 January 2025.
The National Assembly adopts the proposed Common Foundations of the Public Sector Salary System Act
24 October 2024 – The National Assembly today adopted the Common Foundations of the Public Sector Salary System Act (ZSTSPJS).
EU funding for a more efficient procurement system
The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved EU funding for the project Strengthening the professionalisation of public procurement.
EU funding for public employee training for obtaining competencies of the future
The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved EU funding for the project Public employee training for obtaining competencies of the future.
The solution is a comprehensive overhaul of the salary system and an agreement at the negotiating table
On Monday, 8 January 2024, the Government appointed the Government negotiation team for the negotiation of the strike demands of the Union of Doctors and Dentists of Slovenia – Fides, and today invited it to start negotiations on a solution to the strike demands.
Draft Act Determining Intervention Measures for Flood and Landslide Recovery of August 2023
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has set out the text of the draft Act Determining Intervention Measures for Flood and Landslide Recovery of August 2023 and is sending it to the National Assembly for consideration under the urgent procedure. The adoption of the draft Act will allow for the taking of urgent and effective measures to deal with the consequences of floods and landslides.
Serbian Minister visits Slovenia
Minister Dr Aleksander Jevšek and Minister Sanja Ajanović Hovnik met in Ljubljana with Edin Đerlek, Serbian Minister without portfolio in charge of balanced regional development. The meeting focused on the presentation of the area of local self-government, regional development and EU Cohesion Policy from Slovenia’s accession to the European Union to today.
Biometric ID cards to provide access to health services, medicines and medical devices
From April 2023, citizens aged 12 and over will only need to present their new biometric ID card when visiting doctors, pharmacies, opticians and other healthcare providers and suppliers of medicines and medical devices. This means that citizens are now able to use just one document, as the photo on the identity card also removes the need for additional verification of the insured person’s identity.
Government and trade unions have committed to seek maximum consensus
Minister of Public Administration Sanja Ajanović Hovnik presented the timetable for the reform of the salary system. As she pointed out in a press statement today, negotiations will first start on the elimination of all disparities in the basic salaries, while the new salary scale will be gradually introduced.
Slovenian biometric identity card wins prestigious international award
This year's High Security Printing EMEA™ Conference is taking place in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, from 7 to 9 March 2023 and its award for the best ID card of the year was claimed by the Slovenian biometric identity card.
Expert council for sustainable development of public administration meets at its first session
On Friday, 13 January 2023, the first session of the Expert council for sustainable development of public administration was held. It is a consultative body bringing together top experts from the private and public sectors to help bring about the changes that public administrations urgently need in their development path.
The eOsebna mobile app makes it easier to use your electronic identity card
The eOsebna mobile app is available on Google Play and the App Store. The app makes it easier to use your electronic ID card to identify yourself when using online services and to manage your electronic ID card passwords.
Minister Sanja Ajanović Hovnik participated in discussion on the subject of public institutions
A discussion was held at the Faculty of Social Sciences entitled: Public institutions between efficiency and social responsibility – Governance of public institutions and directors' accountability in healthcare. Minister Sanja Ajanović Hovnik also participated in the discussion.
Together, Act Now – International Volunteer Day
International Volunteer Day is an opportunity to place the spotlight on volunteers and their importance for the well-being of society. This year, volunteer organisations are highlighting their role in the strengthening of solidarity with the slogan ‘Together, Act Now’.
Ajanović Hovnik: “We have undertaken to have zero tolerance to hate speech and discrimination”
This year’s national conference of non-governmental organisations, organised by the Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs (CNVOS), is aimed at addressing online, media and physical assaults on non-governmental organisations at home and abroad. Speakers shall discuss how to protect against such assaults, how and when to efficiently respond to them, and how to communicate them. The participants were greeted by the Minister of Public Administration, Sanja Ajanovič Hovnik.
The Government and public sector unions sign the Agreement on salaries in the public sector for 2022 and 2023
The Government and public sector unions signed the Agreement regulating measures relating to salaries and other labour costs in the public sector for 2022 and 2023. The Agreement will increase salaries and meals allowance of public sector employees, including the adjustment of annual holiday pay for those working in salary grade 50 and below.
The State Secretaries of the Ministry of Public Administration meet the representatives of NGOs to discuss the ZSPDSLS- 1
A working meeting between State Secretaries, Jure Trbič and Urban Kodrič, with the representatives of the Institute for Housing and Space Studies and the Legal Information Centre for NGOs took place today at the Ministry of Public Administration. The purpose of the meeting was to listen to opinions regarding the Physical Assets of the State and Local Government Act (ZSPDSLS-1).
UN: Slovenia has made progress in the field of E-Government
The UN has published the latest global E-Government Survey. This is a regular and respected publication that the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) has prepared every two years since 2001. According to the E-Government Development Index (EGDI), Slovenia comes 21st out of 193 countries, and progress is evident in all components of the survey.
Initialled Agreement regulating measures relating to salaries and other labour costs in the public sector
Today, Sanja Ajanović Hovnik, head of the Government negotiating team and the Minister of Public Administration, and the heads of negotiating teams of representative public sector unions, Branimir Štrukelj and Jakob Počivavšek, initialled the agreement after several negotiating sessions.
Handover of official business between the former Minister Koritnik and the new Minister Ajanović Hovnik
Today, former Minister Boštjan Koritnik handed over the official business to newly appointed Minister Sanja Ajanović Hovnik. Upon taking up her duties, Minister Ajanović Hovnik thanked her predecessor for his work and outlined her vision at the helm of the Ministry of Public Administration.