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    105th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session, the Government adopted the proposal on the recognition of independence and sovereignty of the State of Palestine, approved the starting points for drafting amendments to the Health Services Act, the starting points for amending tax legislation and the strategy for eliminating precarious work. It also adopted the intervention act on personnel in social care.

  • Government adopts two flood recovery programmes by 2028 with development programme also being drafted

    At its two last sessions, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted two flood recovery programmes to repair the damage caused by the August 2023 floods, with the development incentives measures programme also being drafted. After successfully preparing and submitting the application for financial assistance from the European Union Solidarity Fund, Slovenia received the maximum possible advance payment from the EU Solidarity Fund of EUR 100 million already in December 2023.

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    104th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government adopted a draft Act on the classification of judicial and prosecutorial functions in salary grades on the basis of the Constitutional Court's decision and took note of the report on the utilisation of European Cohesion Policy funds in the 2014–2020 programming period, which had been fully absorbed.

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    103rd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At its meeting today, the Government adopted a rehabilitation programme to deal with the consequences of the August 2023 floods. The programme is worth EUR 2.3 billion over five years, with EUR 360 million earmarked for this year. The programme will provide all the funds for replacement construction, for all municipal infrastructure, for public buildings, i.e. schools, kindergartens, etc. The programme also includes the rehabilitation of watercourses through permanent measures.

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    101st regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government took note of the starting points for the pension reform, approved the starting point for changes to the disability and pension insurance system and confirmed the basis for initial coordination with the social partners. It also adopted the defence, military and civil defence strategy of the Republic of Slovenia.

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    87th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session, the Government appointed Finance Minister Klemen Boštjančič the head of the umbrella negotiating group for negotiations and coordination with the representative trade unions of the public sector. It also appointed the heads and members of negotiating group for negotiations by individual wage tiers.

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    84th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government adopted a decree on the establishment and provision of a public information and alert system via public mobile networks, took note of information on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan and issued the Ordinance temporarily reintroducing controls at internal borders of the Republic of Slovenia with the Republic of Croatia and Hungary.

  • 83rd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government has adopted the Energy Act Proposal and reallocated EUR 5 million for co-funding radio and television programmes at RTV Slovenija for the Italian and Hungarian ethnic communities. In addition, it has approved the National Commodity Reserves Act Proposal and extended the controls at internal borders.

  • Almost EUR 60 million in direct cash assistance paid so far to people affected by floods

    The Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS) today paid the first EUR 4.5 million in advance payments to homeowners for the reconstruction of homes damaged by floods and landslides on 4 August 2023. To date, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning has advanced EUR 218.5 million for emergency rehabilitation to all municipalities that have submitted applications.

  • EU funding for reducing flood risk

    On the occasion of the approval of EU funding, Dr Aleksander Jevšek, Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development, said: “The planned integrated measures to improve flood safety along the Drava, Dravinja and Polskava River will reduce flood risk in the wider area. In the long term, these measures will reduce the impact of climate change on flood risk in the area.”

  • Commission approves advance payment under the EU Solidarity Fund for Slovenia’s post-flood reconstruction

    The European Commission has approved an advance payment of 100 million euros from the EU Solidarity Fund, the maximum mobilised to date, following the application for support that Slovenia submitted to Brussels after the devastating floods that took place in the country in August 2023. The advance payment will be made in the next couple of days, said the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira during a conference call with Slovenia's Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development Aleksander Jevšek.

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    Government approves proposal for an act governing reconstruction and development following the August floods

    Today, the Government agreed on the text of the proposed Reconstruction, Development and Provision of Financial Resources Act, whose aim is to provide mechanisms for accelerated reconstruction and development in areas that were flooded in August and protection against future natural disasters.

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    81st regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government continued its consideration of the proposed Act on Reconstruction, Development and the Provision of Financial Resources. It approved the proposed amendment to the Public Use of the Slovenian Language Act, the proposed amendment to the Building Act and the proposed Minimum Tax Act.

  • Prime Minister Golob: The state must ensure the safety of Slovenian citizens

    Prime Minister Robert Golob today inspected the reconstruction of the areas affected by the natural disaster in Sneberje, Ljubljana. “The state must ensure the safety of Slovenian citizens,” the Prime Minister stressed after the visit.

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    Another weather front to sweep over Slovenia on Sunday

    Following a turbulent night, the weather is gradually settling, but another weather front is forecast to sweep over Slovenia on Sunday. A yellow alert is in place for most of the country and an orange alert for the Primorska region and the northwest due to strengthening south-westerly winds and forecast heavy rainfall on Sunday.

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    Red alert for northwest Slovenia and orange alert for other parts of the country

    The expected extreme meteorological and hydrological conditions in Slovenia were presented at the press conference by meteorologist Branko Gregorčič and hydrologist Janez Polajnar, both from the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO), Director of the Slovenian Water Agency Neža Kodre, Commander of the Civil Protection of the Republic of Slovenia Srečko Šestan, and Director of the Geological Survey of Slovenia Miloš Bavec.

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    Prime Minister Golob: It is up to politicians to implement expert decisions

    Prime Minister Robert Golob, Head of the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Post-Flood and Landslide Reconstruction Boštjan Šefic and Commander of the Civil Protection of the Republic of Slovenia Srečko Šestan today visited the flooded areas in Baška Grapa, where a preventive evacuation from the most seriously affected buildings was ordered yesterday to ensure the safety of citizens. A total of 36 inhabitants have been relocated.

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    78th regular session of the Government

    At 78th session, the Government considered the Bill on Reconstruction, Development and Provision of Financial Resources and the Draft Amendment to the Act Determining Intervention Measures for Recovery from the Floods and Landslides of August 2023. The proposed solutions from both laws were presented by the Minister of Infrastructure Alenka Bratušek and the Minister of Finance Klemen Boštjančič.

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    Prime Minister: “The decision on measures is not a political one, it is an expert decision”

    Prime Minister Robert Golob and his ministers visited the Savinjska region today, where they met with mayors, business owners and representatives, and others driving development in the region.

  • Slovenian Government agrees the text of the application form for financial assistance from the EU Solidarity Fund

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia agreed the text of the application form for financial assistance from the EU Solidarity Fund for recovery measures in the wake of the devastating floods that hit the country in early August. The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development that coordinated the preparation process will submit the application on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia to Brussels, presumably tomorrow.