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Minister Fajon calls on NATO Secretary General to visit the Western Balkans and reaffirms support for Ukraine
Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon participated in the Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Brussels. The discussions focused on Ukraine and the Middle East, as well as on key strategic priorities as NATO marks its 75th anniversary this year. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs met and held their first consultations with the new Secretary General, Mark Rutte.
State Secretary Štucin visits Kyiv to reaffirm Slovenia's support for Ukraine
State Secretary Marko Štucin visited Ukraine, engaging in discussions with representatives of the Ukrainian Government and visiting sites affected by the recent aggression. In Borodyanka and Moshchun, he witnessed the severe consequences of the conflict, while in Bucha, he paid tribute to the victims of Russian aggression at the memorial wall.
Bled panellists on the future of the North Atlantic Alliance
Dr Damir Črnčec, State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence, participated in a plenary discussion titled "NATO Beyond 75: An Alliance Fit for the Future" at the Bled Strategic Forum on 3 September. On the occasion NATO’s 75th anniversary, which has had several enlargements whilst successfully exercising deterrence, the panellists focused on current security challenges and the way forward.
Prime Minister Robert Golob on CNN: "Peace is always better than war, but there is no value in peace without freedom."
Prime Minister Robert Golob was today a guest on CNN's Connect the World, where he spoke live with anchor Eleni Giokos. They discussed the recent NATO Summit, Slovenia’s NATO membership, Ukraine and Palestine.
Prime Minister Golob: "Our goal is to be able to continue to live in peace"
The NATO Summit concluded in Washington yesterday with the meeting of the North Atlantic Council with the Indo-Pacific partners and the EU and the meeting of the North Atlantic Council with Ukraine. Following the Summit, Prime Minister Golob gave his assessment of the Summit in a statement to the Slovenian media.
Minister Fajon concludes participation in NATO Summit in Washington
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon attended the NATO Summit in Washington. She, along with Prime Minister Dr Robert Golob and Defence Minister Marjan Šarec, participated in the event marking the 75th anniversary of the Alliance and the North Atlantic Council meetings in Allied, Indo-Pacific and NATO-Ukraine Council formats.
Prime Minister Golob: "More efforts are required on the political and diplomatic stage"
Day two of the NATO Summit in Washington began with statements to the media from world leaders. Upon his arrival at the Summit, Prime Minister Robert Golob said that the leaders had yesterday reaffirmed their commitment to opening Ukraine’s path to NATO, and particularly to a stable financing of aid for Ukraine from NATO and other allies.
Prime Minister Golob: The key mission and responsibility of the alliance is peacekeeping
A meeting of the heads of state and government of the NATO alliance is taking place in Washington, attended by the Prime Minister Robert Golob, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon and Minister of Defence Marjan Šarec. At 19:00 CET, the meeting of the North Atlantic Council will be held in an alliance format, one of the three meetings of this year's summit.
Prime Minister Golob: "Our common goal is prosperity for the whole world"
The NATO Summit in Washington began yesterday with a ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. The ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Golob and Tina Gaber, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, and Minister of Defence, Marjan Šarec.
'75 years of NATO and the power of Alliance' event at the Slovenian Embassy in Washington, co-hosted with The Wilson Center
On June 3rd the Embassy of Slovenia in Washington and The Wilson Center co-hosted a round table "75 years of NATO and the power of Alliance: NATO's Evolution after the 2004 enlargement, Enlargement, Resilience, Peace". The event was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of NATO and 20th anniversary of membership of Slovenia.
Minister Fajon: 'At the Washington Summit; NATO allies will speak with unity and resolve'
Minister Tanja Fajon attended an informal meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Prague to prepare for the Washington Summit in July. In her intervention, Minister Fajon stressed that "Slovenia's actions are underpinned by the values of democracy, international law and solidarity. As a responsible member of the Security Council, Slovenia is doing its utmost to contribute to peace and security in the world."
Prime Minister Golob meets with the commander of U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa and of the Allied Joint Force Command in Naples
Prime Minister Robert Golob today received Admiral Stuart Munsch, the commander of U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa, and of the new Allied Joint Force Command in Naples. They discussed the situation in the Western Balkans and the importance of NATO's KFOR mission for the stability of Kosovo and the wider region.
Minister Fajon with NATO Foreign Ministers on the importance of unity among allies on key strategic issues
Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon took part in a two-day meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Brussels, which focused on NATO’s 75th anniversary, preparations for the Washington Summit in July, support for Ukraine and strengthening cooperation with partners in the Indo-Pacific region. She underlined the importance of unity among allies on key strategic issues.
The Republic of Slovenia celebrates 20 years of NATO membership
On 29 March 2004, the Republic of Slovenia became a full member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) after successfully depositing its Instrument of Accession in Washington. By joining this important political-military alliance, Slovenia achieved one of the main foreign policy and defence-military objectives it set itself at the time of its independence in 1991. This historic milestone was celebrated yesterday with a high-level meeting, panel discussions and a national ceremony at the Brdo Congress Centre.
At home in Europe - safe in Nato
On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Nato and the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's accession to the military organisation, an exhibition and a roundtable discussion on the importance and future of Nato were opened at the Military History Park in Pivka on 27 March. The panellists agreed that the Alliance has played an important role in maintaining peace in Europe and will continue to do so in the future.
Prime Minister Golob meets SACEUR, General Christopher Cavoli
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Robert Golob, today welcomed the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Christopher Cavoli.
Prime Minister Robert Golob: "Unity is our greatest strength"
Prime Minister Robert Golob today met with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels.
Ambassador Dr Andrej Benedejčič took part in the visit of the North Atlantic Council to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ambassador Dr Andrej Benedejčič, Permanent Representative of Slovenia to NATO, took part in the visit of the North Atlantic Council to Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1-2 February 2024. Led by Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană, Allied Ambassadors and Invitee Sweden met with members of the Presidency, the Chairwoman and members of the Council of Ministers, the Foreign and Defence Ministers as well as members of the Collegium of House of Peoples and the House of Representatives of BiH. The programme included discussions with international community actors and civil society.
Ambassador Dr Benedejčič hosted a reception in support of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda at NATO
Ambassador Dr Andrej Benedejčič, Permanent Representative of Slovenia to NATO, hosted a reception at NATO Headquarters for members of NATO Civil Society Advisory Panel for Women, Peace and Security, as well as Allies and partner countries.
GOVSI Podcast: Non-permanent seat on of the UNSC is also a result of our responsible engagement in the EU and NATO
In the first episode of the GOVSI podcast, host Boštjan Lajovic hosts Tanja Fajon, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, and Marjan Šarc, Minister of Defence.