European Week for Waste Reduction: Over 110 campaigns announced in Slovenia in the last two years
Slovenia has placed re-use to the fore, with an emphasis on bulk waste, waste textiles and clothing, and waste packaging.
The European Week for Waste Reduction has been around since 2008, with Slovenia joining in 2010. Over the years, it has grown to become the largest awareness-raising campaign in Slovenia, as demonstrated by the ever-increasing number of participants and the record number of project announcements, which have numbered over 110 in the last two years. This year, 49 campaigns have officially been announced, although unofficial estimates put the number that will be carried out at over 100.
Waste prevention is the most sought-after waste management principle – that is, the best waste is no waste. There are many ways in which we can generate less waste, one of the most effective being re-use. Slovenia has placed re-use at the centre of its European Week for Waste Reduction activities, with an emphasis on three types of waste: bulk waste, waste textiles and clothing, and waste packaging.
Every year at re-use centres, 250 tonnes of usable material are extracted from old products, furniture and clothing for further use. In the process, these centres are careful not to use new materials or resources when repairing or making new products, and to recycle or pass on to other users anything they cannot use themselves.