International Women's Day
There are fewer women than men in Slovenia, the most common female name is Marija and the average age is just under 45. From 100 women there are on average 28 women who have tertiary education, the number being higher than for men. However, according to the provisional data for 2018, the average monthly gross earnings for women were €127 lower than the average monthly gross earnings for men.
There are 1,045,000 women living in Slovenia, 5% of them are called Marija. Their average age is almost 45, which is three years more than that of men.
On average, women live 7.5 years longer than men. In 2018, the average lifespan of women was 81.6 years and the most common cause of death was cardiovascular disease. Where both live in the same conditions, a girl born in Slovenia in 2018 could expect to live to 84, which is 5.7 years more than a boy.
Among women older than 14, three out of four are mothers, with most of them having two children. Out of 100 women, on average, 28 completed tertiary education – reaching at least a higher vocational education level, while among men, only 20 have the same. Furthermore, almost 50% of women have secondary education.
Women are increasingly educated. In the generation of women who were 60–69 years old on 1 January 2019, primary school education or even lower education was most common, while in the generation of women aged 30–39 they had completed at least higher vocational education.
In comparison to women in other EU Member States, women in Slovenia stand out in terms of high employment rate, low gender wage gap in comparison to men, the high proportion of women aged 30–34 with tertiary education and the high proportion of managers. According to the provisional data for 2018, the average monthly gross earnings for employed women in Slovenia stood at €1,709, which is €127 less than the average for men.
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