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  • Strategic Council for Foreign Affairs to update the Foreign Policy Strategy

    The Strategic Council for Foreign Affairs, headed by Foreign Minister Anže Logar, held its first meeting in its new composition today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss the update of the current Slovenian Foreign Policy Strategy.

  • Tomorrow is World Wildlife Day

    At the end of 2013, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 3 March as UN World Wildlife Day. It has thus become the world’s most important annual event dedicated to wildlife and plant species. This year, World Wildlife Day will be celebrated under the theme "Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Plane"’.

  • Minister Poklukar presents an updated national vaccination strategy

    At the government press conference, Minister of Health Janez Poklukar presented the second version of the national COVID-19 vaccination strategy.

  • Minister Zdravko Počivalšek attended a virtual meeting

    Minister Zdravko Počivalšek attended a virtual meeting of EU ministers responsible for trade, where they discussed the new medium-term trade strategy, which was published on 18 February. It sets out the political direction of the EU trade and investment policy for the upcoming years in estimating the contribution of the trade policy to a fast and sustainable recovery and to open strategic autonomy.

  • The Government adopts an updated National COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy

    At today’s correspondence session, the Government adopted the second version of the National COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy. The strategy was updated due to new circumstances relating to the course of vaccination. Priority vaccination groups were defined anew or in more detail in the strategy, including certain new vaccination locations. Furthermore, the possibility of storing vaccines, currently waiting on the completion of the registration procedure at the European Medicines Agency (EMA), was also defined.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša meets the representatives of the Lek company

    On Monday, 1 March 2021, Prime Minister Janez Janša met the representatives of the company, Lek, d. d. Robert Ljoljo, President of the Management Board and President of Novartis AG in Slovenia, and Gregor Makuc, Head of Communications and External Engagement at Sandoz Slovenia, attended the meeting on behalf of the company, Lek, d. d.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: "We’re not planning any cuts, we’re planning recovery."

    At today’s 63rd extraordinary session of the National Assembly, Prime Minister Janez Janša responded to questions from deputies mag. Alenka Bratušek from SAB, Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti from SNS, Marjan Šarec from LMŠ and Anja Bah Žibert from SDS about the effects of the adopted anti-crisis measures, reopening of catering establishments, government measures in the field of public finances, the national vaccination strategy, and measures for containing the spread of COVID-19 and mitigating the consequences of the epidemic.

  • State Secretary Raščan announces a new humanitarian contribution from Slovenia at the virtual high-level pledging event for Yemen

    At the invitation of UN Secretary-General António Guterres, State Secretary Stanislav Raščan today represented Slovenia in an international High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Situation in Yemen, in his capacity as Minister for Development Cooperation. He announced Slovenia’s additional contribution for humanitarian aid to the affected population in Yemen.

  • Portuguese Presidency of the EU Council convenes an extraordinary informal ministerial video conference on European tourism

    Minister Zdravko Počivalšek attended a video session of the Informal Ministerial Conference on European Tourism, a top-level debate. The Portuguese EU Council presidency convened a meeting at the initiative of some Mediterranean countries whose economies depend on tourism to improve the free movement of people within the EU's internal and external borders, as well as possible additional EU tools to help launch the EU tourism industry in the short and medium term.

  • Video

    Epidemiological analysis of the case of the South African strain has been completed

    At the press conference, Sanja Vuzem of the Maribor regional unit of the National Institute of Public Health spoke about the current confirmed case of the South African coronavirus strain in Slovenia.

  • Minister Koritnik's ITU News Q&A about Slovenia's digital development journey

    In cooperation with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Ministry of Public Administration will hold the Regional Forum for Europe on Meaningful Connectivity on 8 and 9 March 2021. At the event, Minister of Public Administration Boštjan Koritnik, who wrote a blog post for ITU News prior to this event, will hold the opening address. He expressed his thoughts on the development and progress of digitalisation in Slovenia and described how and where digital technology is used in Slovenia to combat the COVID-19 epidemic.

  • EU funding for promoting entrepreneurship in the Goričko region

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Promotion of entrepreneurship in the Goričko Natural Park. The EUR 1.2 million development project will be carried out by municipality Šalovci and will receive support from the European Regional Development Fund in the amount of EUR 570,000.

  • Minister Logar hosts the second informal meeting of the Central 5 initiative

    At Brdo pri Kranju today, Foreign Minister Anže Logar hosted the ministers of foreign affairs of the Central 5 initiative, namely, the Austrian Federal Minister for European and International Affairs, Alexander Schallenberg, the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tomáš Petříček, the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjárto, and the Slovak Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Ivan Korčok.

  • South African coronavirus variant now in Slovenia

    At today's press conference, Minister of Health Janez Poklukar said that Slovenia has confirmed the first case of the South African coronavirus variant, detected in the Maribor area in a person who has returned from Africa. The Epidemiological Service traced all high-risk contacts and sent them into quarantine.

  • Without research and innovation, there can be no green and digital transition for society and the economy

    EU ministers responsible for research discussed today the links between recovery and resilience plans (RRF) and the European Research Area at an informal videoconference.

  • Restrictions on assembly and movement reinstated in the Coastal-Karst region, schools remain open

    A press conference on the current situation regarding the Covid-19 virus was held by Minister of the Interior Aleš Hojs, Director of the National Institute of Public Health Milan Krek, Head of the Consulate Sector at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andrej Šter and Slovene living in Argentina Mariana Poznič.

  • State Secretary Raščan held talks with IOM’s Regional Director Henrikson

    State Secretary Raščan held a video call today with the Director of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Regional Office for the European Economic Area, the European Union and NATO Ola Henrikson.

  • Video

    Letter of Prime Minister Janez Janša to the President of the European Comission Ursula von der Leyen

    We are publishing the letter of Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Janez Janša to the president of the European Comission Ursula von der Leyen.

  • Informal videoconference of ministers responsible for internal market and industry

    Minister of Economic Development and Technology Zdravko Počivalšek participated in an informal videoconference of ministers of EU Member States responsible for the internal market and industry. The morning session was dedicated to a political discussion of the European Semester in the context of the Union’s recovery process and national recovery and resilience plans as an instrument for the implementation of industrial strategy, strengthening the internal market, the twin transition and strategic autonomy, and a discussion of the new consumer agenda. The afternoon session featured a discussion of the draft directive on the public disclosure of certain tax information by undertakings (i.e. the Country-By-Country Reporting or CbCR Directive).

  • State Secretary Raščan at the web conference “E-Mobility: Slovenia–Germany” on the common challenges of the rapid development of new technologies

    Today, State Secretary Stanislav Raščan delivered the opening address at the “E-Mobility: Slovenia–Germany” web conference organised by the Slovenian E-mobility Association. In his address, he emphasised the great importance of economic cooperation between the two countries, above all in the automotive industry, which accounts for more than a quarter of total bilateral trade.