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Prime Minister Janez Janša replied to oral parliamentary questions
At today’s 67th extraordinary session of the National Assembly replied to oral questions put to him by Franc Jurša (DeSUS), Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti (SNS), Tina Heferle (LMŠ) and Janja Sluga (SMC) on long-term care, harmonisation of pensions, vaccines, prosecutors and future government work.
Foreign Affairs Council on protection of human rights, Southern Neighbourhood and Union’s relations with Turkey
Foreign Minister Anže Logar today attended a regular meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council. In an informal video conference with United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, the ministers addressed issues related to the protection and promotion of human rights and focused on the Southern Neighbourhood and EU-Turkey relations.
Enhancing the economy in the Gorenjska region: EU funding for reconstructing transport infrastructure in the Jesenice Business Zone
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project “Jesenice Business Zone expansion – reconstructing transport infrastructure”. The project worth approximately EUR 1,1 million will be implemented by the Municipality Jesenice and will receive over EUR 610,000 of European Regional Development Fund support.
Approval of the CureVac, Sputnik and Novavax vaccines at the European Medicines Agency
Dr Borut Štrukelj from the Faculty of Pharmacy in Ljubljana and President of Headmasters' Association Gregor Pečan participated at today’s press conference on the current situation regarding the Covid-19 disease.
World Water Day 2021 theme is “Valuing Water”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs marks this year’s World Water Day with the theme “Valuing Water” by launching a series of videos from different stakeholders about what water means to them. State Secretary Stanislav Raščan contributed an article on water for “EurActiv”. The Members of the Green Group, established on Slovenia’s initiative, have issued a joint statement. On 18 March, a high-level meeting on the “Implementation of the water-related goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda” was convened by the President of the United Nations General Assembly, which was also attended by President Borut Pahor.
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
This year, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination focuses on young people in the fight against racism. Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, intolerance, and hate speech are unfortunately still present all around the world. In the last year, in particular, young people have demonstrated that they play an important role in combatting these harmful practices, for example by showing support for the “Black Lives Matter” movement, within which they have been actively pointing out the injustices based on race or colour.
Prime Minister Janez Janša attends a videoconference with President of the European Council
Today, before the European Council meeting, Prime Minister Janez Janša attended a videoconference with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel.
Prime Minister Janez Janša on the epidemiological situation
Today, Prime Minister Janez Janša met with Minister of Health, Janez Poklukar, President of the Advisory Group at the Ministry of Health, Mateja Logar and Director of the NIPH, Milan Krek, to discuss the worrying trends of COVID-19, which move Slovenia’s regions closer to the red tier from day to day.
State Secretary Dovžan appointed member of the Conference on the Future of Europe Executive Board
At its session on 18 March 2021, the Government appointed Gašper Dovžan, State Secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a member of the Conference on the Future of Europe Executive Board.
Prime Minister Janez Janša receives the mufti of the Islamic Community in the Republic of Slovenia
Prime Minister Janez Janša today received the the mufti of the Islamic Community in the Republic of Slovenia, Nedžad Grabus.
Wearing a mask is a sign of responsibility
Mateja Logar, head of the advisory group at the Ministry of Health, and Simona Repar Bornšek from the Ljubljana Medical Centre participated at today’s press conference on the current situation regarding the Covid-19 disease.
Prime Minister Janez Janša vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine
The day after the European Medicines Agency declared the AstraZeneca vaccine safe and effective, vaccination with that vaccine was resumed in Slovenia.
The Minister of Public Administration Boštjan Koritnik participated in the traditional meeting entitled Digital Day
On Friday, 19 March 2021, the Minister of Public Administration Boštjan Koritnik participated in the traditional meeting entitled Digital Day, which is attended annually by EU ministers responsible for digitisation.
World Bee Day – planting Tetradium daniellii at the Kalmthout Arboretum
Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium, Dr Rado Genorio, together with Jan De Haes, Chairman of the Arboretum Committee, and Abraham Rammeloo, Director of the Arboretum, today 19th of March 2021 ceremoniously planted Tetradium daniellii, bee tree.
Working visit of the Minister of the Interior to Brussels and The Hague as part of preparations for the Presidency
As part of preparations for Slovenia's Presidency in the second half of 2021, the Minister of the Interior Aleš Hojs and his delegation paid a two-day working visit to Brussels and The Hague. In Brussels, he met with the Director-General for Justice and Home Affairs at the General Secretariat of the Council Christine Roger.
Minister Poklukar: AstraZeneca vaccine is safe and effective
The Minister of Health, Janez Poklukar, presented the decision of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) that the AstraZeneca vaccine is safe and effective.
Prime Minister Janez Janša meets with Italian senator Matteo Salvini
Prime Minister Janez Janša today met by video-conference with Italian senator and Northern League party leader Matteo Salvini and his colleagues.
Prime Minister Janez Janša discusses preparations for the Conference on the Future of Europe
Prime Minister Janez Janša today continued the discussion about fundamental challenges and key issues of the future of Europe that had begun on 5 March. The Conference on the Future of Europe, whose content is already being addressed by the Portuguese Presidency, will be one of the responsibilities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU as well.
Krek: The fact is that a new wave is approaching
Today's press conference on the current COVID-19 situation was attended by Milan Krek, Director of the National Institute of Public Health, Tjaša Žohar Čretnik, Director of the National Laboratory for Health, the Environment and Food, Deana Potza from the health inspectorate and Tomaž Pečjak, Deputy Director General of the Police.
Climate-neutral society - From planning to implementation
Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning Andrej Vizjak attended an on-line informal conference of EU environmental ministers, which held an exchange of views on the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, which was published by the European Commission in February. Ministers also debated the role of the Recovery and Resilience Plans for a Green Transition in conjunction with the European Semester and held a political debate on the Commission's proposal for a regulation concerning batteries and waste batteries, following the goals of the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy Action Plan. The afternoon part of the session was attended by State Secretary Metka Gorišek, PhD.