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Movements of live animals between EU Member States must comply with the requirements laid down for intra-Union trade, except in cases where non-commercial movements of pet animals are involved.

The conditions for intra-Union trade in live animals are laid down in European and national regulations and harmonised between Member States with a view to ensuring traceability and a certain level of safety against the transmission of diseases to humans or other animals when such movement takes place.

On each movement from one country to another, any consignment of animals must be accompanied by a required animal health certificate in which the basic animal health requirements are validated by an official veterinarian in accordance with the relevant veterinary legislation. In addition, in the event of a serious outbreak of exotic diseases in the EU Member States, special conditions are laid down for trade in certain live animals in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

General conditions for trading

Live animals must comply with the veterinary requirements for trade in order to move between Member States. Terms and conditions vary according to the species and category of animals (breeding, production or slaughter) and to which or from which Member State the animals are moved.

General conditions to be fulfilled for trade in animals between EU Member States are as follows:

  • animals must be identified or marked in accordance with the applicable EU legislation;
  • each animal must be accompanied by a valid identification document (bovine passport, accompanying document for pigs, sheep and goats);
  • animals must fulfil the animal health requirements as set out in the relevant EU legislation and specified in health certificates for a particular species and category of animals. The certificates are also entered in the TRACES online system.
    Whether the animals are intended for slaughter, production or breeding, the consignment of animals must be accompanied by an appropriately completed health certificate;
  • the animal health certificate must accompany the animal when moving from the place of origin to the place of destination. The certificate is issued and signed by the official veterinarian at the place of origin/dispatch, who must also send its electronic version to the place of destination via the TRACES online platform.
  • the official veterinarian in the country of dispatch must be informed about potential disease statuses introduced by the Member State of destination and make the relevant confirmation in the certificate. If a country is officially free from a certain disease or has an approved control and eradication programme in place for a certain disease, the animals intended for those countries must meet the additional guarantees regarding that disease.  

Transport of animals must be carried out in accordance with the requirements laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 and the Rules on the protection of animals during transport.

For transporting live animals by air  the so-called IATA  Live Animals Regulations (LAR) must be observed. For detailed information regarding the transportation of animals by air, please consult the selected airline.

Animals for slaughter must also be accompanied by a declaration on food safety.


Advance notification of consignments

In accordance with the Rules on veterinary checks on certain animals and animal products in intra-Union trade the AFSVSPP regional office must be notified of the following consignment of animals intended for trading:

  • a consignment of animals intended for trading from Slovenia to another EU Member State no later than three working days in advance of the intended trade (notification by the consignor). With regard to the procedure for issuing the certificate by the official veterinarian, it is advisable to contact the territorially competent regional office of the AFSVSPP in good time.
  • consignment of animals intended for trading to Slovenia from another EU Member State no later than one working day in advance of the estimated arrival of the animals on the holding (notification by the consignee). The advance notification can be sent in the form of a letter by e-mail or by fax to the territorially competent regional office of the AFSVSPP. It must specify the details on the origin of the consignment, the species and number of animals and the estimated time of arrival.