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The basic purpose of defence is to deter any attack on the state, defend its independence and inviolability, and preserve its integrity. This is the underlying reason for ensuring national defence and participation in international security establishments. The national defence system consists of the Slovenian Armed Forces and the non-military part of the defence system, which with its civilian capabilities and measures provides support for the functioning of the Slovenian Armed Forces and allied forces.

The national security of the Republic of Slovenia is ensured through the effective application of the rule of law and the welfare state and adequate preparedness of capabilities to effectively identify and respond to current sources of threats and security risks. It is also ensured by maintaining good relations with neighbouring and other countries and maintaining the stable international political and security position of the Republic of Slovenia, by preserving peace and participating in improving security and stability in the international community, and, moreover, by effectively protecting the environment and natural and strategic resources.

Slovenian Armed Forces at home and abroad

Military defence of the Republic of Slovenia is ensured by the Slovenian Armed Forces. They contribute to maintaining security and stability by means of planned development and operations, constant readiness, military diplomacy, cooperation with other military organisations, prevention of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and arms control and disarmament. Servicemembers of the Slovenian Armed Forces operate both at home and around the world. While abroad, they perform tasks at military representations, in NATO command and force structures, in the area of the implementation of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy, in international organisations and other bodies, and in multinational commands and staffs. The Republic of Slovenia is active in multinational operations and missions of all kinds, in crisis response operations, in international civilian missions, and in rescue operations. By participating in multinational operations and missions, Slovenian Armed Forces fulfil commitments arising from Slovenia’s membership of various organisations while ensuring the security of the country.

EU Common Security and Defence Policy

The seven decades of peace that have reigned over Europe  are based on the respect and maintenance of democracy and the principle of the rule of law. A rapidly changing situation within the international community brings security challenges and risks. Given the new forms of risk and threat in the EU and around the world, countries’ participation in the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy is strengthened in order to successfully protect common values and interests and improve own security. The EU shapes the Common Security and Defence Policy that lays the foundations for the functioning of the political and military structures within the EU and for military and civilian missions and operations abroad. The Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy pursues five priorities, namely strengthening EU security and defence, investing in the resilience of states and societies to the east and south of the EU, developing an integrated approach to conflicts and crises, promoting and supporting regional cooperation, and reinforcing the international order based on international law.

The EU does not have a standing military structure, hence Member States provide military and other capabilities for joint operations.

Slovenia's membership of NATO

Full-fledged NATO membership was one of Slovenia's strategic goals when it became independent. Our NATO aspirations were based on our fundamental values, strategic security and vital national interests.

Slovenia joined NATO on 29 March 2004. NATO membership has strengthened Slovenia's security and contributed to its long-term development. It placed Slovenia in terms of politics and security alongside the most developed western countries, and enhanced its international visibility as a democratic and peaceful country supporting integration processes. NATO is the core framework for the provision of our national security.