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National security is one of the most important foundations for the smooth functioning of our country, and primarily entails ensuring a safe environment for the development of Slovenian society.

Combating terrorism

Any act of terrorism and violent extremism, regardless of its type or form, is vehemently condemned. Terrorism undermines the very foundations of society and cannot be condoned. The prevention of terrorist acts is carried out within the framework of a comprehensive anti-terrorism approach including the close cooperation of stakeholders at the local, national and international levels. At the national level, the activities of the Police and the Slovene Intelligence and Security Agency are supplemented by the activities of the non-governmental sector, while at the international level we are members of various initiatives and other mechanisms, for example, the Western Balkans Counter-Terrorism Initiative and the EU Radicalisation-Awareness Network. The measures taken following a possible terrorist act are comprehensively determined by the National Protection and Rescue Plan.

Arms control

We strive to implement and reinforce the internationally agreed restrictions concerning the development, production, storage, proliferation and use of small arms and light weapons, conventional weapons, and weapons of mass destruction. Anti-personnel mines pose a particular humanitarian risk and developmental obstacle many years after conflicts are over. We therefore strive for a world without mines by consistently implementing the Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines. Weapons of mass destruction are one of the greatest threats to people and the environment. We therefore strive for full respect of the conventions and agreements in this field. Slovenia is a contracting party to all of the most important international conventions on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and prohibition of other weapons of mass destruction.


Slovenia also faces complex security challenges, as in a modern society every area depends on information and communication systems. The development of digitalisation will make this dependency even greater. System interconnectivity means that the vulnerability of one system may affect the functioning of others. The Cybersecurity Strategy thus determines measures for setting up a comprehensive national system to provide a high level of information security. The area of information security has been regulated systemically by the appointment of a competent national body for information security, a national cybersecurity response centre, and a response centre for addressing incidents concerning the information systems of the state administration and its bodies.