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Learning is a lifelong process performed in various learning environments and manners, contributing to a comprehensive development of individuals and the community. Adult education in Slovenia offers a wide and diverse selection of educational programmes and activities adjusted to the daily life of adults. We strive to achieve the objective of granting access to learning opportunities to as many adults as possible and encouraging their participation in educational and support activities.
Inspections are conducted by the Inspectorate for Education and Sport.

The basic public interest principle of adult education is lifelong education and learning for all.

Public interest with regard to adult education is determined by the National Programme of Adult Education adopted by the National Assembly on the proposal of the Government, typically for a period of 10 years. 

The Resolution on the National Programme of Adult Education in the Republic of Slovenia for the period 2013–2020 (ReNPIO 2013–2020) provides guidance for the adult education policy at the national level and contributes to the systemic regulation of the field, including stable financing and determining priority areas and content-related tasks for the development of adult education. ReNPIO 2013–2020 is an instrument for the systemic regulation of adult education encompassing education, training, further training and learning of persons who have completed legal compulsory education obligation. With regard to obtaining an officially recognised educational qualification, key emphases are given to basic education, upper secondary vocational-technical and general education, and short-cycle higher vocational education for adults.

Objectives of adult education

The purpose of ReNPIO 2013–2020 is to raise the educational level of the population and the level of basic capabilities, to enhance the employability of the active population, to improve the possibilities of learning and participation in education, and to raise the general education level.

Our aim is to provide all adults with access to quality educational and learning opportunities enabling them a full realisation of their human potential and integrating their personal experience with wider socioeconomic, cultural and environmental factors. This way, people will be qualified to work, reflect and appropriately respond to social, political, economic, cultural and technological challenges, and build a community.