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Science is the driving force of progress and a stepping stone for developing a high-tech society and creating a high value-added economy. Given the positive effect of science on society, Slovenia has endeavoured to make it a national priority through systemic investment, thereby raising the profile and impact of Slovenian scientific achievements at the international level.

Statistical data on the implementation of the national research and innovation strategy show that Slovenian science is keeping pace with the EU, or even outpacing it in some areas. In Slovenia, the number of PhD students, the rate of higher education qualification and the number of new doctoral graduates exceed the EU average. Slovenian researchers are very active at the international level and rank among the most prolific authors in Europe according to the number of scientific publications, including those co-authored with foreign researchers.

Since science has a significant impact on the economy, innovative businesses have been provided with increasing financial support, which in turn is used to create new jobs, thereby enhancing the employment rate. Moreover, Slovenia has been successful in obtaining research funds from the EU Horizon 2020 framework programme, which improves the visibility and competitiveness of Slovenian research.

Investment in science and research

By 2022, Slovenia expects to allocate 1% of GDP to scientific research. This will substantially contribute to scientific development and the transfer of knowledge to society and the economy. Until then the main areas of focus will be the completion of world-class research infrastructure, research and development programmes fostering innovation and international competitiveness of the Slovenian economy, promotion of international networking of Slovenian researchers with a view to achieving synergies between development funds and co-financing of post-doctoral projects to Slovenian scientists who completed their educaition abroad.

All ministries will participate in the promotion of scientific development, which is why we are preparing adequate amendments to legislation to make scientific research and innovation a horizontal policy encompassing different research areas and their findings.

Strategic documents in science

Taking into account social responsibility, Slovenia recognizes a sustainable commitment towards the science and development and recognizes their important role in social development and the creation of prosperity for all the citizens. The goal is to establish a modern research and innovation system that will enable a higher quality of life for all, through critical reflection of the society, efficient solving of social challenges, raising the added value per employee and providing more and better jobs for citizens. In order to achieve these goals, we have formulated the following key strategic documents: