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Short-cycle higher vocational education

Short-cycle higher vocational education is part of tertiary education. It is a highly practice-oriented method of study based on clearly defined needs of employers. Our aim is to optimise the network of higher vocational colleges, strengthen cooperation at the international level and ensure the best possible integration with the enterprise sector and the stable development of higher vocational colleges.

Indispensable part of tertiary education

The necessity of tertiary short-cycle education has increasingly been emphasised in Europe. The European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) points out that we must not neglect tertiary short-cycle education if we want to become the most dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. The EURASHE notes that this type of education is recognised as a vital part of higher education significantly contributing to the development of lifelong learning. Therefore it recommends that tertiary short-cycle education is taken into account in the Bologna process and a bridge is made between it and degree studies.

Regulation of short-cycle higher vocational education

Short-cycle higher vocational education in Slovenia is regulated by the Higher Vocational Education Act of 2004, as amended. One part of the area is also regulated by the Organisation and Financing of Education Act. The Higher Vocational Education Act defines short-cycle higher vocational education as "short higher education". The Government decree on the introduction and use of the education and training classification system "KLASIUS" classified short-cycle higher vocational educational qualification in level VI, together with professional higher vocational educational qualification. The Slovenian Qualifications Framework classifies short-cycle higher vocational education in level SQF 6, EQF 5 (short cycle).

Association of higher vocational colleges

The Association of Higher Vocational Colleges operates as a professional association of Slovenian higher vocational colleges. It promotes the establishment of connections between higher vocational colleges and various stakeholders in the area of education and training and the enterprise sector, which facilitates innovativeness and entrepreneurship. It also promotes and strengthens quality assurance systems. The Association acts as a joint research body and conducts analyses. It connects higher vocational colleges and represents them in the national and international environments.