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At the forefront of special needs education is the individual child or adolescent and their development. The organisation and forms of educational work are adapted to each child and adolescent in need and additional forms of assistance are ensured to each individual child and adolescent by a special needs decree, taking into account their special needs.

Objectives and principles

We are fully aware that an impairment, hindrance or disorder is only one part of the identity of children with special needs, who, like everyone else, have many talents and much potential. Therefore we are supporting and developing equal education and vocational training opportunities for all children with various special needs.

Objectives and principles in special needs education are more broadly defined than in general education. We strive for:

  • ensuring the highest benefit possible for the child,
  • integrity and complexity of the education,
  • equal opportunities, while taking into account the diversity of children’s needs,
  • the inclusion of parents, adoptive parents, foster parents and legal guardians in the process of placement and determining the forms of assistance,
  • an individualised approach,
  • an interdisciplinary approach,
  • maintaining balance between different aspects of the child’s physical and mental development,
  • an early placement in an appropriate educational programme,
  • immediate and continuous support and expert assistance in educational programmes,
  • a vertical transition of the programmes and their coherence,
  • providing education at a location closest to the child’s home,
  • providing appropriate conditions for the optimum development of each individual child.

Assistance for children with special needs

We strive to ensure appropriate adjustments and assistance to children and adolescents with special needs to help them achieve their knowledge objectives and standards and develop their potential. The majority of children with special needs are provided with education in regular kindergartens and basic and upper secondary schools, where they are offered various forms of assistance. The organisation and manner of implementing programmes are adjusted to their needs and additional expert assistance is offered.

Some children and adolescents need more assistance and are therefore included and educated in adapted programmes in development kindergarten departments, basic schools with adapted education programme, and educational institutions for children and adolescents with special needs.

Kindergartens and schools prepare an individualised programme defining all forms of assistance for each child with special needs.