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Employment relationships and non-standard forms of employment

By regulating employment relationships and non-standard forms of employment, the State endeavours to maintain a sustainable balance between the needs of employees and the demands of the market. This approach contributes to a transparent and flexible labour market which preserves labour security and limits the shadow economy.

According to the basic premise of labour law, any lawful employment requires a legal basis which provides the grounds for such employment. When selecting the legal basis for employment or business activity, the nature of the work or activity is taken into consideration, along with special conditions required to perform certain work or activity.

Permanent employment as the basic form of employment

The basic legal foundation for working in Slovenia is the employment contract for an indefinite period. In the case of elements of an employment relationship, the work must be performed within the standard employment relationship, unless otherwise specified by a special act. The employment relationship establishes the appropriate balance between the rights and duties of both parties, whereby the employee, as the weaker party, is granted legal, economic and social security (on the basis of regular contributions to the pension, health and social funds, a comprehensive exercising of social rights is ensured), while the employer is granted adequate predictability in terms of labour force.

Legal bases for less common forms of employment

Slovenian labour law provides an adequate and modern legal framework for employment relationships, allowing for an appropriate balance between job security for employees and effective adaptation to market changes for employers.

Besides employment relationships, work may also be carried out based on other legal grounds, provided that all conditions set forth by the law are met. By allowing other, non-standard forms of employment, which can be adapted to different life circumstances, a wide proportion of the population can become active and earn an income, which in turn translates into additional tax revenues for the State.