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We are aware that childcare leave and financial benefits are extremely important for planning and reconciling professional and family life. Accordingly, we enable maternity leave, paternity leave and parental leave, contribute to covering the costs incurred by parents in providing for the maintenance of their children, ensure that parental protection is accessible to all, and grant special rights to parents.

Among the best in the world

Slovenia ranks among the top countries in the world for generosity to new parents. In Slovenia, maternity leave lasts 105 days and maternity benefit amounts to 100 % of the basis, with no ceiling on the amount of maternity benefit. We ensure that fathers can be involved in care for their children from an early age. Fathers have the right to 30 days of paternity leave; paternity benefit amounts to 100 % of the basis and may not be more than 2.5 times the amount of the average monthly wage.

Mothers and fathers are entitled to 130 days of parental leave each (altogether 260 days). Parental leave is extended in the event of the birth of twins or more children at the same time, a prematurely born child, or a child who needs special care. The amount of parental benefit is equal to 100% of the basis and may not be more than 2.5 times the amount of the average monthly wage.

More flexible forms of work, including the right to breastfeeding breaks, also contribute to facilitating the reconciliation of professional and family obligations.

Financial incentives and relief

Since the maintenance of children is a considerable financial challenge, parents are assisted in various ways to provide for their children. The childbirth grant is a one-off cash benefit intended for the purchase of children’s necessities; parental allowance is paid to parents who have no parental protection insurance; child benefit is an income supplement to help parents provide for the maintenance, upbringing and education of their children. Parents of a child in need of special care and protection receive a special childcare allowance, with some of them being entitled to partial payment for loss of income and additional relief. Large families, i.e. those with at least three children, are also entitled to various types of allowances and relief.

Parents of children enrolled in public preschool institutions, private preschool institutions with concessions and private preschool institutions financed from municipal budgets may apply for reduced payment of kindergarten fees.