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Family support programmes reduce social inequalities, strengthen the position of vulnerable families, and contribute to the greater social inclusion of families and individuals. Such programmes are, first and foremost, intended for children, adolescents and their families, since care for the healthy development of our young generations benefits the whole of society. Family support programmes are long-term, free-of-charge and widely accessible programmes that are based on modern concepts of support and (self-)help.

Family centres

Family centres provide opportunities for social contact between different generations, help strengthen the social roles of individuals, contribute to facilitating the reconciliation of family and professional life, and provide opportunities for the exchange of good practice and positive experiences. In addition, family centres provide educational and practical workshops on developing skills in positive parenting, carry out holiday activities for children, and organise occasional childcare.

Psychosocial assistance programmes for children, adolescents and their families

Psychosocial assistance programmes for children, adolescents and their families are intended to improve relationships and reduce the emotional distress of children and adolescents. The content of such programmes is intended to teach children, adolescents and other family members how to communicate effectively, improve relationships and form positive attachments in the family, improve their social skills and their ability to control emotions, build a positive self-image, solve problems, and reduce behavioural and emotional problems and emotional distress.

The services of family centres and psychosocial assistance programmes are free-of-charge. 

Multi-generational centres

A network of 15 multi-generational centres has been established across Slovenia, providing daily free-of-charge workshops intended to promote social inclusion, education, and integration between cultures and generations. Such centres provide a range of interesting activities enabling participants to obtain skills and knowledge they can use in their work and everyday lives. They also provide information on services related to the prevention and elimination of social distress and problems, along with premises for informal gatherings and meetings. All workshops and educational courses are free-of-charge.