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The financial system enables the transfer of funds from those with surpluses to those in deficit or requiring the financing of a planned investment. Countries with well-developed financial systems have recorded higher economic growth, and lower rates of poverty and inequality. The relevant policies are designed to provide an efficient, transparent and responsive financial system with inherent safeguards against abuse and excessive risk.

The financial system encompasses all the cash flows in the economy, i.e. non-financial (goods and money flows) and financial (loans, financial instruments, insurance premiums, etc.) ones. 

It consists of financial markets, financial institutions and financial instruments.  Financial institutions are, for example, banks, insurance companies, investment firms and management companies. Financial instruments are contracts that give rise to both a financial asset of one party and a financial liability or equity instrument of another party. They include deposits, loans, shares, bonds, units of investment funds, options and financial futures.

The state's role in the financial system

The state is an important player on financial markets. It is a borrower when it takes out loans or issues securities, or a guarantor of certain loans, or the last source of liquidity when the central bank loans liquidity assets to banks and the state.

Moreover, the state is an active trader on financial markets, and a legislative regulator and supervisor of the financial system. There are four competent authorities in Slovenia, namely the Bank of Slovenia, the the Securities Market Agency, the Insurance Supervision Agency and the Office for Money Laundering Prevention. Laws and implementing regulations governing the financial system in Slovenia provide for the secure and transparent operation of the financial system and protect investors. 

Slovenian legislation is in compliance with the EU legislation regulating this specific field, the extension of the powers of supervisory bodies and the joint European regulators ESMA, EBA and EIOPA, and a bigger pool of financial instruments.

Bank of Slovenia

The Bank of Slovenia is the central bank of the Republic of Slovenia. Its task is primarily to  supervise banks and participate in the maintenance of financial stability, to ensure the smooth operation of payment systems, the meeting of prudential requirements by banks and savings banks, and to supply the Slovenian market with authentic cash.    

Securities Market Agency

The basic mission of the Agency is to maintain a safe, transparent and efficient capital market in Slovenia. By supervising capital market and issuing authorizations to entities within its powers pursuant to the laws regarding capital market, the Agency endeavours to create the necessary conditions for the Slovenian capital market’s efficient operation.

Insurance Supervision Agency

The Agency's priority is to issue authorisation and supervise insurance market. It supervises that insurance companies and other entities operate lawfully and in accordance with the relevant rules on risk management. It issues different licences and authorisations, such as insurance licences, licences of insurance agents or brokers for natural persons, licences of insurance agents or brokers for legal persons, authorisations to hold office as a member of a management board or a supervisory board, and approves management rules, etc.


Auditing, due to its significance regulated by law, helps shape the financial system. The objective of a financial audit is to express an opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view of an undertaking’s balance sheet, financial situation and profits and losses.

Operation of games of chance

The operation of games of chance is the exclusive right of the Republic of Slovenia. Games of chance may be operated only on the basis of a licence or concession granted by the competent authority. In addition to positive fiscal and economic effects, this specific activity can have many social, psychological and other adverse consequences if it is not performed in moderation, which means that gaming must take place in a regulated and controlled environment.