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International development cooperation and humanitarian aid

Development cooperation is an important part of Slovenia's foreign policy as it contributes to more balanced and fair global development, the eradication of poverty, the reduction of inequalities and sustainable development in its partner countries. As a responsible and active member of the international community, Slovenia helps shape policies and measures to respond to common development challenges. Together with its partners, Slovenia promotes human dignity and contributes to a sustainable, just, inclusive, secure and successful future for all.

A decent life for all generations

Slovenia, a member of the United Nations, adopted the 2030 Development Agenda with its 17 universal goals aimed at ensuring peace and security, as well as prosperous and fulfilling lives for the present and future generations. With its three dimensions – social, economic and environmental, sustainable development is the responsibility of each and everyone.

Proactive humanitarian action

Slovenia expresses its solidarity with countries and individuals in need of assistance through international humanitarian aid in the aftermath of large-scale natural and man-made disasters and of armed conflict. Slovenia has actively worked to strengthen resilience to crises and intensified actions to prevent such.

Where and how?

In order to implement international development cooperation, Slovenia has defined certain thematic and geographical priorities based on where its official development aid is most effective – in light of its comparative advantages and capacities – and supports the development efforts of its partner countries. For greater efficiency, Slovenia promotes dialogue and cooperation with its partner countries, other donors and international organisations.

In the field of development cooperation, Slovenia has identified the following geographical priorities: the Western Balkans, the European neighbourhood, and Sub-Saharan Africa, with a special emphasis on the least developed countries. Most of Slovenia’s official development aid goes to countries in these areas.

The thematic priorities of Slovenia's activities are the following:

  • the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies, with an emphasis on good governance, equal opportunities and gender equality, and quality education;
  • the fight against climate change, with an emphasis on the sustainable management of natural resources and energy.

Gender equality and the protection of the environment are the two cross-cutting issues in our projects.

A reliable and efficient partner

Slovenia has established itself as a reliable, flexible and responsive partner with regard to the development needs of its partner countries. Slovenia's action, underpinned by its values and comparative advantages, will help raise the country's profile and contribute to a prosperous and sustainable future in the areas in which we can add the most value. We will endeavour to increase funds for development cooperation and humanitarian aid and to use such in a coordinated and efficient manner.