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The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia guarantees people the right to make decisions on and regulate public matters concerning the life and work of the residents within their local community.

Equal partner of the State

The basic units of local self-government are municipalities. Many municipalities are too small or have insufficient means to provide all public services on their own. They join forces in order to use their financial, human and organisational resources in the most efficient way. They establish associations, joint bodies and joint municipal administration bodies, funds, and public companies and institutions, and pool resources.

Municipalities are an equal partner of the State. They are governed by three independent bodies – a mayor, a municipal council and a supervisory committee. Mayors and members of the municipal council are elected by the residents in local elections every four years. Supervisory bodies are appointed by municipal councillors.

A municipality is financed from various revenues – personal tax, property tax,  concession fees, other fees, fines, etc. The State provides additional funds for the less developed municipalities that cannot themselves finance the necessary projects in full.

The Constitution envisages another sub-system of local self-government at the level between the State and municipalities, i.e. regions. It defines them as legal entities with original competences, assets and financing resources, and a directly elected representative body. Due to absence of political consensus regions have had not been established yet.

Civil participation in decision-making at the local level

The most important and reliable source of information on how successful a municipal policy is in practice are its residents. They apply municipal regulations in their activities and everyday life and are the first to know when changes are needed. Due to their diverse and rich experience, expert knowledge and connection with practice they can make a good advance assessment of what solutions they would need in order to make life and work easier and more successful, while also accelerating the municipality’s development. The residents of a municipality participate in decision-making by attending consultations, proposing referendums, participatory budgeting, considering proposals and having access to all public information. Less formalised forms of participation are also being introduced, such as open days at city halls and mayors' offices, the assemblies of municipal residents, online forums and the submission of online proposals.