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Sustainable mobility encompasses walking, cycling, public passenger transport and alternative forms of mobility. It aims to ensure efficient and equal accessibility for all, with emphasis on limiting private motorized vehicle traffic and energy consumption while promoting sustainable modes of travel.

Achieving sustainable mobility goals contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, cleaner air in urban areas, a higher quality of living, public health and social justice. Implementing sustainable mobility principles in towns also stimulates the local economy.

An integrated approach to transport planning

The key task of the state in the field of sustainable mobility and transport policy is to establish an integrated approach to transport and mobility planning with a view to solving the related challenges faced not only by the state but also by the regions and the local communities, and to contribute to their key development potentials.

An integrated transport strategy is the key tool of the new approach to transport planning. It aims to solve transport-related challenges of municipalities, thus helping them achieve their key development potentials. It is oriented towards promoting walking, cycling, public passenger transport and other alternative forms of sustainable mobility while limiting private motorized vehicle traffic. The basis for changing the situation in Slovenia is providing the basic human right to access education, employment and leisure activities to all citizens of the Republic of Slovenia regardless of age and social structure. The social, environmental and economic aspects constitute the foundation for sustainable development.

A few years ago, Slovenia started introducing a system of comprehensive planning of transport and transport infrastructure development based on a harmonised vision which surpasses the system of planning development in this field based on the incomplete solutions and unrelated measures defined by strategic documents until only recently. The Transport Development Strategy until 2030 takes this concept into account and deals with the transport system in a comprehensive manner, thus enabling greater synergies in achieving the objectives of transport and spatial policies on the national level and of other policies, and greater control of the impact of transport on the environment and the economy.

Elaborating a sustainable mobility-oriented transport policy

The integrated approach to planning is oriented towards promoting walking, cycling, public passenger transport and other alternative forms of sustainable mobility while limiting the use of private motorized vehicles, particularly those that are fossil fuel-powered.

Policy-making is a key strategic area of the national level where individual policies mutually complement and support one another, constituting an integrated development system. Transport policy is a part of the economic development, social welfare, spatial planning and environmental policies. It takes into account the development needs and coordinates them with the possibilities of implementing investments while keeping in mind spatial planning, environmental, climate and other limitations, which provides the basis for elaborating harmonised goals.

Sustainable mobility is an important factor in achieving these goals, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, cleaner air in urban areas, a higher quality of living, public health and social justice. Implementing sustainable mobility principles in towns also stimulates the local economy.

To this end, the national level carries out projects that contribute to implementing the sustainable mobility principles and elaborating harmonised transport policy goals.