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20 Years of Slovenia in the European Union

Collage of photos: European and Slovenian flag, welcome to Slovenia in 2007 upon entry into the European Union, a star with blue, red and green stripes and the inscription Slovenija Twenty years in the EU, counting down to Slovenia's entry into the EU, th
On May 1, 2004, Slovenia, alongside nine other Central and Eastern European countries, became a full member of the European Union. This marked the fifth and largest, as well as the most well prepared, expansion of the European Union.

In 1993, the European Union precisely defined accession criteria for the first time. To become an EU member, a country must maintain a stable democracy, respect human rights, possess a competitive market economy, and be capable of adopting the Union's legal framework.

The European Union had to prepare for such a significant expansion as well. Its member states at that time harmonised the Nice Treaty, which was signed on February 26, 2001. The Nice Treaty came into effect on February 1, 2003, thus readying the European Union for the extensive enlargement on May 1, 2004. The changes involved:

  • Modification of the decision-making process
  • Substantial reduction in the number of cases where the Council of the EU had to decide by an absolute majority
  • Adjustment of the weighting of votes of individual member states in the Council of the EU with a qualified majority
  • New allocation of seats in the European Parliament
  • France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy relinquished a second commissioner
  • Strengthening the powers of the President of the European Commission

Membership brought us financial and developmental advantages, opening up employment opportunities for citizens in other member states. Travel within the EU was simplified, and the euro as the common currency streamlined business transactions and individual payments. EU membership not only brings numerous benefits but also entails responsibilities. Together with the other 26 member states, we must continue to strive to ensure that Europe remains a cohesive entity with diverse traditions and languages, yet bound by common values such as democracy, freedom, and social justice.

  • Main celebration on Europe Day

    The 20th anniversary of its accession will be celebrated on Europe Day, 9 May in Nova Gorica.

  • Celebrating with young people

    The highlight of the celebration for young people was on May 8 in Celje.

  • Celebration in Brussels

    This May, we celebrate not only the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's entry into the EU, but also the largest enlargement of the EU.

  • Podcasts

    As part of the government podcast, we are also preparing episodes on the 20 years of Slovenia's membership in the EU.


  • Sinfo: Hand in hand for 20 years

    Since independence, Slovenia has been successfully involved in various international communities, especially at the regional level in Europe.

  • Interactive publication

    The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia releases an interactive publication, that shows the position of Slovenia compared to the other EU Member States. With selected statistical data and indicators, we try to answer the questions of how the quality of life and conditions in the Slovenian economy and society have changed since Slovenia joined the EU.