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The main celebration of 20 years of Slovenia in the EU

Kolaž fotografij: evropska in slovenska zastava, dobrodošlica Sloveniji leta 2007 ob vstopu v območje evra, zvezda z modrimi, rumenimi in zelenimi kraki in napisom Slovenija Dvajset let v EU, odštevanje do vstopa Slovenije v EU, pročelje zgradbe Hiša EU
Slovenia became a member of the European Union on 1 May 2004. The 20th anniversary of its accession will be celebrated on Europe Day, 9 May in Nova Gorica.

The venue is the same as 20 years ago, when the then President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, symbolically welcomed the then Prime Minister of Slovenia, Anton Rop, and Slovenia into the European Union. Nova Gorica will be the European Capital of Culture in 2025, together with Gorizia in Italy, so the central celebration here has an added symbolic significance.

We have invited both Romano Prodi and Anton Rop to the celebration. In Government podcast GOVSI we will reminisce with professor Prodi about the times twenty years ago and discuss the progress made by both the European Union and Slovenia since then.

We have invited a number of institutions and organisations to host events, ensuring that the day offers a diverse and captivating array of activities.

Accompanying program

When to
Where Lobby of the Municipal Palace, Nova Gorica