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Applications for co-financing of projects under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) can only be submitted in response to the relevant call for proposals published by the European Commission.

The CEF programme is managed by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Applicants must submit their proposal electronically via the electronic submission system (EU Funding & Tenders Portal) by the deadline indicated in the call. Application forms must be completed in accordance with the terms of the call and the requirements of the European Commission and must include the required annexes. Applications must be submitted in English.

The mandatory annexes include the forms confirmed and signed by the national authorities.

Who can apply?

Proposals shall be submitted:

  • by one or more Member States; or
  • with the agreement of the Member States concerned, by international organisations, joint undertakings, or by public or private undertakings or bodies, including regional or local authorities.

On the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, the competent national authorities shall confirm the required mandatory annexes:

For all applications:

For the CEF Military Mobility:

    • Military Network Map Declaration
      Confirmed by the Ministry of Defence at the request of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

    For the CEF Alternative fuels in transport:

      The Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy is examining the content of the project proposal at the request of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

      Information about CEF Calls

      Information on past and ongoing CEF calls can be found on the official CINEA website. Applicants will find there all the necessary guidelines, forms and instructions for the preparation and submission of their proposals, which must be submitted electronically via the online proposal submission system on the European Commission's Funding and Tenders Portal.

      The national coordinator for the transport sector is the Ministry of Infrastructure. When the European Commission publishes a new CEF call for proposals for the transport sector, we announce the information in Slovenian on the website of the central government administration GOV.SI and on the Ministry's social media channels.