e-ARH.si Project

The Development of the Slovenian Public Electronic Archives or e-ARH.si
e-ARH.si is a complex environment intended for e-archiving. It includes procedures for submitting digitized and born digital records into the public Archives as well as their processing, long-term preservation (in accordance with valid legislation), and further use.
The foundation for the further development of solutions for electronic archiving is set in the Strategy and Implementation Plan for the Development of the Slovenian Public Electronic Archives e-ARH.si approved by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on March 2016. The strategy is fully accessible on the website of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.
The Strategy and Implementation Plan for the Development of the Slovenian Electronic Archives 2016–2020 provides a framework of activities in the field of archiving and preservation of electronic archival records in the domain of the Slovenian public archival service in the period 2016-2020. It is a continuation of the five-year Strategy for 2010-2015, which laid the foundations of the Slovenian public e-archives. Strategy 2016–2020 is based on progress up to this point and represents the planned activities within the current operational and strategic environment. This is the business strategy of the Slovenian public archival service relating to long-term preservation of electronic archival records and is important for all employees responsible for electronic archival records and metadata at any stage of records’ life cycle. It clearly defines strategic priorities, roles and responsibilities of all those responsible for the implementation of the strategy and indicators by which success will be measured. The Slovenian electronic archives represents a common service of long-term preservation of electronic archives in the custody of Slovenian public archives.
The Mission
Appraisal, acquisition, archival processing, preservation and enabling the accessibility of the archival cultural heritage of the Republic of Slovenia in electronic form.
The Vision of the e-ARH.si Project
We will provide our clients advanced e-solutions for storing and flexible accessing of electronic archival records (hereinafter referred to as eAR). Our aim is to be the leader in innovative electronic archiving in the Republic of Slovenia and the wider region. Our mission and vision will be accomplished by using the strategic goals and implementation plans approved by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.
Striving for Excellence
One of the strategic priorities of the e-ARH.si Project was the acquisition of a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) certificate until the end of the project in 2020. The CAF certificate proves that an organization meets the quality standards of the Business Excellence Model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). We are proud to announce that the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and the e-ARH.si Project have reached this goal in 2019 and have received the CAF certificate.